Wyco Wednesday February 12
**The supply shop (formerly millywycomycology.com) has been merged with this shop! I believe all items and coupon codes have been transferred to this site, but if something is missing or your code isn’t working, please let me know!**

Kings and Queens of the myco universe, we’ve done it!
WE MADE IT!! The final chakra in the series, the Sahasrara or “CROWN” chakra is among us! Well…it’s always among us. IN us, in fact…just waiting to explore, guide and help connect with the divine. If you’ve been following along thus far, congrats and thanks for being a part of the journey! I hope these rambles can help provide peace, balance and love throughout your entire being. Also, HAPPY FULL MOON!

Before we dive into the Crown chakra, I’d like to reflect and recap a bit on my adventures working with the Third Eye chakra.
As I’ve mentioned in the past, sometimes I get to the end of that week’s chakra focus and for whatever reason, decide to spend some more time with it. So far so smooth through the first 5 chakras, but I am indeed going to linger in the Third Eye space for a bit longer. This one isn’t so much a “pass or fail” to me…it’s not that I’m “good” or “not good” with the harmony of my third eye. This time around, I just feel like I’m not done exploring, discovering and being guided by what I’ve been shown with this one.
I’m not usually terribly active on Discord, though I do *try* to get back to DMs in a timely manner. But I’ve been absent on the main channels this past week especially. I realize with Discord and Reddit, I tend to get lost in the sauce, lurking, helping out where I see needs, and sometimes just getting distracted down some rabbit holes. The Discord squad is always ultra helpful for everyone and super positive. Reddit is more of the distraction. But I made a deal with myself that if I didn’t have a specific mission on either of those platforms, I would first sit and do a quick meditation before potentially getting distracted. And those meditations led to some wild discoveries about myself. Oh we got deeeep, bud. So so nice. I’ve been working through things I didn’t even know I needed to work through! And coming out of what was meant to be just a quick mindful meditation (which sometimes led to some very long but necessary ones), I often journal or continue working through what came to me instead of going back to Discord or Reddit.
ALL THAT TO SAY…sorry I haven’t been as active lately! By the time I get to some awesome pics showing off your goods or progress, it’s usually too far off to revisit. But seeing things like this does always put a smile on my face and I’m so happy to see everyone chiming in with advice and encouragement. Those of you who cheer on and offer help during times of discouragement really mean a lot and save some future master mycologists from giving up. You all really mean the world to me <3
Sometimes I’ll come out of a meditation just feeling lighter, like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’m able to think more clearly and be more effective throughout the day. I could go on and on (as you well know) about the benefits. But this past week have been extra powerful where I come back to reality with a clear mission on a conversation I need to have with someone or “homework” so to speak about how to navigate some situations. This is the “work”, I suppose, but it doesn’t feel like it at all. Quite the opposite in fact. It’s like working on a problem for a while and giving up somewhere along the way. You forget about the problem, thinking you’ll come back later, but really you just put it on a shelf. And you don’t realize sometimes that shelf can only hold so many problems! We often say mushrooms don’t necessarily give you what you want every time, but what you NEED. And some of these needs are shown in interesting ways (for me through meditation), where something just pops off the shelf and you say “oh I forgot about that” or “I didn’t even realized I’ve been harboring that trauma all this time” and you can clearly work through it with a sound mind. That’s what’s been happening with me lately and it feels amazing. Until I stop digging up old dusty items off the shelf, I’m sticking with it!

How do we differentiate betwixt indigo and violet when it comes to foods and such? Well…we don’t. It’s all purple to my diabetic eyes. So once again, grab your eggplants (the food! err…who am I to tell you what to grab. Grab away), purple peppers and carrots and purple cauliflower. And just regular purple flowers! Or in @Noirfury’s case, plant that lavender, purple basil and bergamot! Man’s going wild with his plants…niiiice. As always, I like to take a nice deeeep breath in whenever I see this royal color and recenter throughout the day. If you’re seeing this delicious purple text right here right now, drink a big tall glass of air and fill your lungs with that sweet sweet prana.
The CROWN chakra is the source of connection to the divine and our higher selves. Again, this is only useful if we actually listen! Receiving a message or some “homework” and how to act on it…without actually acting on it…can dull this sense and push you away from your higher self. But following your heart and connecting with the divine can strengthen this energy center and lead to some magical discoveries.
As with most chakras, when the Crown chakra is out of harmony, we feel distrust toward ourselves and others and can manifest as depression or anxiety. We might not WANT to listen and follow our path. But when it is centered and balanced, we live in the understanding of unity. We truly realize that we are all connected and are individual reflections of the divine. Our individual identity goes beyond the physical form.
This is not an original idea…I read it somewhere but can’t remember who what when or how. A simple but great visual to help understand this concept. Take a flash light and shine it through a pasta strainer. We all come from that same divine source of light, though each of us have a different output and perspective of it all. We are truly all the same, experiencing life through different means. (I’ll save my double slit tangent for a later time)
Amethyst, clear quartz, moonstone and a few other stones/crystals can be used to help balance and open your crown chakra. Keeping one of these on your person helps bring your awareness to that energy center and strengthen it through the day. Scents from essential oils (ESSENTIAL I SAY!) and incense, like sandalwood, lavender, frankincense and peppermint really help hone your zone too.
During meditation with this one, I like to visualize a bright purple glowing ball of energy at the top of my head. Each time I take a deep breath in, I’m funneling all that fresh, clean energy to my crown chakra, and each exhale, I’m getting rid of that stagnant stale energy. I visualize all the cells in my being vibrating and sizzling like a carbonated beverage, giving more life force to that purple ball just storing it there. When I feel my body start to vibrate with all this clean energy, I open the dam in my noggin and let that energy flow down and around my body, all the way down to my feet where it enters and recycles up through the crown again. Do it and see what happens, I triple dog dare ya!
Incorporating a mudra can help deepen your meditation practice and hone your focus into your crown as well. Add in the affirmation of “I know” to your practice and focus on your crown and let that magic flow baby!

^^this^^ gang sign/mudra is brought to us by InnerRainbowHealing, which has a blog discussing ways to get the most out of your Crown chakra. Pretty much the same stuff I’m talking about here, in a more elegant way. Highly recommend checking it out!
THIS PLAYLIST on YouTube has a whole gaggle of helpful videos on the crown chakra. Some guided meditations, a few quick yoga routines, and a couple cool ones explaining how to get the most our of your crown chakra focus this week. I mentioned putting on one of the frequency or mantra chanting videos last week for the third eye chakra, and I just have to emphasize how incredibly moving these can be. At first, you might be saying “I don’t want to just listen to a chant. Give me a podcast or some amazing music” and I get it. But after a few minutes of having this one during meditation, doing the dishes or just on in the background doing whatever you do, you’ll notice the whole vibe of your dwelling will change.
That’s about all I have for the soap box today my friends! Thanks again for being a part of this magical endeavor through the chakra system! As always, if you’d like to discuss any particular chakra more in depth or would like to share your progress/struggles/magical moments, I’m all about it! I’m far from a “master” in any of this, so I know I could learn a thing or two from your own practice. Share your ways!
One of our classics has been resting the past few weeks, but my good friends, B+ is back and ready for your loving care! In other news, our dear friend PE6 is down for a nap but will be returning shortly.
New variety pack alert! Adding a nice lil GRAIN SAMPLER PACK this week! This includes 2lb of Oats, 2lb Milo and 2lb Millet grains for you to experiment with and find your own favorites! Each has their own strengths and I regularly work with all 3 depending on the project.

Just to reiterate, HEAT PACKS have been added to the shop for the frigid areas! Recommended for areas that are in the mid-20’s or colder.

ON WEDNESDAYS ONLY, we’re continuing the ROLL 3, PICK 2 promo for the dice roll shenanigans. Buy 2 rolls of the same tier and get 3 separate rolls where you can pick your top two prizes! Also continuing the LUCKY NUMBER upgrade. Today’s number (Feb 12th) is 2. If you roll a 2 on your first roll, you’ll receive that prize and get a re-roll for an additional prize! The bonus JACKPOT SPIN (a literal spin of a mini slot machine) will be spun on the tier 3 ($35) ALL rolls Wednesdays only. If you win the jackpot spin, you can choose any item in the shop (excluding the “lifer” pack, the black box, and subscriptions) as a reward.
*NEW RULE* if the die keeps you in suspense for 5 seconds or more (keeps spinning), you win that prize and get a re-roll!

(2) 5lb CVG Substrate
(3) Agar Pre-mix Sampler
(4) “Unlisted” syringe
(5) Spore Print
(6) 3 Random Cubensis Syringes
**All promos listed below apply to orders placed after 5pm CST on 2/12. For fairness, if multiple orders are placed, only the first order number is eligible for the gives listed below**
The first 20 orders will receive a free UNLISTED swab pack, not available in the shop! Not into swabs? Ya are now! Hah…just kidding. If you really think you’ll never use it, let me know and I’ll find another goodie for ya. But this could be the nudge you need to expand your knowledge in mycology!
All order numbers ending in “0” on 2/12 will get a $50 coupon code to use on your next order! Coupon code sent with order.
All order numbers ending in an EVEN number on 2/12 will receive a free cubensis syringe starting with a C, R, O, W or N!
All order numbers ending in an ODD number on 2/12 will receive a syringe that I keep in one of my purple bins! Creativity lost….color same….keeping this from last week. There are some BANGERS in those! It shall remain a mystery until you receive it, as the contents are only known to yours truly, but know it shall be exquisite.
**Thanks to a generous donation from @Dont_BBlink on Discord, we’ll have a couple “Dice Roll” giveaways immediately following this post on 2/12!**
***THIS JUST IN! Our good friend @UnderdogArtisan also contributed a dice roll to the gives this evening! This one has a quick fuse, so hop in there and enter for free go go go!***
The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend!
Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one (just add a note to your order to remind me)! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)
To vent, talk it out, ask for help or just have someone to listen to the good bad and ugly, hit the inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com or join the Discord and send me a chat. I’m ALWAYS here for you friend.
5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30
EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50
Smell ya next Wyco Wednesday on February 17th at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!
Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3