Wyco Wednesday January 22
**The supply shop (formerly millywycomycology.com) has been merged with this shop! I believe all items and coupon codes have been transferred to this site, but if something is missing or your code isn’t working, please let me know!**

Elloooo, Love! #4cd200
Welcome to week 4 of the 7 week chakra series! The 4th chakra is the Anahata, or “Heart chakra”. This chakra holds the connection to both the physical and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Think of it as a bridge to get in touch with our higher self in relation to the rest of the world. It’s all about being connected with yourself, cultivating joy, compassion and love for everything and everyone, and there are infinite ways to do so. I’ll be reflecting on some practices I’ve implemented in the past, some new things I’ve discovered this time around, and encourage you to share your process for opening your heart to give and receive love through this process.
I try to have the same enthusiasm and excitement for all chakras in the system, but I can’t help but to feel EXTRA excited about this one. Love is all around us. We can develop a loving relationship with other humans, pets/animals, nature, inanimate objects and everything in between. But loving YOURSELF often takes a back seat when we consider who or what we love and the attention given to that relationship. Before we can truly show unconditional love to those around us, we must first learn to love and accept ourselves for who we are…flaws and all.
The HEART chakra is an energy center located….at your heart. It is associated with the color GREEN, so fire up those green lights (perhaps fire up the green if you’re into that), grab your green apples and green veggies, make a hot cup of matcha tea and sink into the abundant love that is YOU. Every time you eat or drink something green, see a green traffic light or street sign, grass, trees….pretty much everything around us in nature…bring your awareness to your heart and focus on love. Radiate love all around you and you will receive love in return.
I like to put my hands overlapping in the center of my chest, take a long slow deep breath in, and say “I Love You” on the exhale whenever I see the color green, think of something I love, or even think of something that needs improvement on the way I perceive it. One practice that has helped open my heart to those whom I’ve struggled with in the past has been placing pictures around my puja/meditation area. Some of my most loved beings reside here…Ram Dass, Maharaji, my grandma, a couple old friends, Miguel and David, and even a little baby “me”. These are people throughout my life that have accepted me just as I am and effortlessly helped keep my heart open to love. In between these holy pictures and close friends, I have a picture of a few people who I’ve struggled with over the years. Some probably don’t remember me, a couple don’t even know I exist, but somewhere along the way, they had an impact on me in a not so great way (at the time anyway). I figured if there ever was a place or time my heart would be open to these individuals, to see a new perspective and have compassion for them and show empathy, it would surround my meditation practice. I’m pretty sure I took this idea from Ram Dass but I’m not entirely sure. Each morning I say “Good moooorning, Ram! Mornin’ Miguel, I love you, man. Thanks for always being there for me, grandma” and so on. Also…”Hey Greg…hi Matt” etc for those who need a little help. A year into this process, and well…still working. But it has helped me enter into a place where I see everyone as ONE. If anything, it makes me thankful to be who I am, thankful for the loving parents who raised me well, and helps me have grace for those who I don’t always look at lovingly.
If we are disconnected from ourselves, have trouble giving love from a genuine place or trouble showing ourselves love, or we just don’t feel deserving of love at all, our heart chakra is likely not in harmony. We may feel out of touch, distant from loved ones and depressed, affecting forgiveness, grief and trust. When it is balanced, we see others as ourselves, give love fully and genuinely, and cultivate compassion for self and others. The affirmation “I love” is fitting for this week, and can be expressed in a multitude of ways. When I take a moment to be present, I’ll just look around and start naming things that bring me love and joy. “I love my life! I love myself and the weather and nature and all my mushies. I love my amazing community of loving souls who give me the opportunity to pursue my true calling in this world. I love the difficulty level of life….all the ups and the downs. I do not love the wind so much! But I know somewhere out there, spores are being carried through the air to germinate on other land. And for that reason I love the wind!” Maybe I should add a picture of the wind to my puja. This practice helps me really settle into that feeling of love where everything and everyone you look at is gazed upon with true unconditional love. Ram Dass’ favorite mantra, and one of mine as well, is “I am loving awareness”, meaning every single thing in your awareness is approached with a loving heart. You ARE love! Repeating this during meditation can help deepen your life for all things. Using a mudra, or specific hand formation during meditation is another tool to help bring your focus to the heart: (new heart chakra gang sign)

I feel like I’ve harped on about meditation and yoga relating to the chakras enough the past couple weeks, but I still think those are a couple of the most effective ways to begin your day and highly recommend! THIS PLAYLIST I made on YouTube has some extremely helpful guided meditations, yoga instructionals, sound baths, and a few of my favorite videos on the topic of love. There’s one toward the middle/end of the playlist from Aubrey Marcus called “SEE TRUTH” which is incredibly powerful and well worth the 16 minute watch, especially if you’re struggling to love yourself, feel like you’re not living up to your own or other’s expectations, or just take yourself too seriously. The exercise is geared toward Aubrey, but many of the details they covered hit home for me and helped me through some tough times when I first saw it a couple years ago. And of course a whole slew of Ram Dass’ lectures because that man is love personified <3
Schweebity schwoobles, I do declare we have a few new things up in the shop this week! But first, because I forgot the past 2, maybe even 3 (4?) weeks, I’d like to highlight some of the fantastic Christmas lights pics I received after asking for them LAST YEAR! Well…a month ago, but 2024! Speaking of…I noticed some of my syringe labels changed over from December to January but the year remained “2024”. If you received something recently with “January 2024” on it, know that was in fact a goof and was actually made this month. Now onto the lightage!

I mean jeeeeepers what a setup! I thought homes around me went wild until I saw pics from you guys (mostly @Ed)

CONGRATS sir @Ed and “AB” on some awesome Christmas pics putting my neighborhood to shame! You shall be rewarded with gifts to come in the next few days 🙂
We have a brand new variety hitting the shop this week that has never been offered before! It has come to my attention that I have in fact offered this one before some years ago. Totally thought I just handed a few out to friends, but I suppose the memory had faded. Need more Lions Mane! Either way, it’s a good one! DANCING DRAGONS has very little known history (have you any, please come forth), but is said to be a hybrid of a Chinese (Dancing Tiger?) and Thailand cubensis variety. I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while and something recently called me to work with these guys and I will say I am a fan! These are currently only available in swab packs.
Also new to the shop, we have another type of grain to offer! WHOLE OATS aren’t usually too popular, but I know a handful of peeps that swear by them, and they are especially useful for some myceliated grain teks, using the colonized oats instead of spawning them. Verrrry interesting stuffs. Even when perfectly hydrated and sterilized, these whole oats, compared to milo and millet, will appear UNDERhydrated, but trust! They do the job just fine and are supposed to be this way 🙂
Received some submissions, but keeping this here for another week: Thanks to some amazing and generous Discordians (and thanks to stellar mod @TheGovernorTTV for letting me know), we’ve unlocked some features on Discord! Thanks to everyone who sent a boost or a turbo or whatever you did! (Still figuring things out with that app). As with many aspects of this gig, we are community driven and community contributions make this space so awesome to share. Have you any graphic skillz, I’d love to see what you come up with! We’re currently looking for a server “banner background”, which should be a minimum size of 960×540 with a 16:9 aspect ratio, and a server “invite background” which should be a minimum of 1920×1080, also in 16:9. I have a few pics myself that would be cool for these pages, but would love to see if anyone around these parts could make it even cooler. Submit your finest submissions to me on Discord or email to millywycomushlove@gmail.com and we might use your flavor! If yours is chosen, I’ll be in contact to arrange a special box of goodies for your trouble!
Just to reiterate, HEAT PACKS have been added to the shop for the frigid areas! Recommended for areas that are in the mid-20’s or colder.
Don’t forget about the WEEKLY RAFFLE!!! This past week, by random selection, order 12210 grabbed the 3rd place prize, 12205 secured the 2nd place spot and 1st prize goes to order 12246! Congrats!! You’ll receive tracking info when your prizes ship within the next 2 days!
Each raffle ticket is GUARANTEED an exclusive item, such as an “unlisted” (not available in the shop) syringe, spore print, liquid culture, or Penis Envy hybrid, etc, AND an entry to win one of the following prizes:
1st prize– BLACK BOX (Customized “mystery” box, stuffed full of genetics, supplies, artwork and other cool myco goodies tailored to your skill level in the hobby)
2nd prize– 40 Pre-Poured Agar Plates
3rd prize– TWO 5lb CVG All-In-One Bags
ON WEDNESDAYS ONLY, we’re continuing the ROLL 3, PICK 2 promo for the dice roll shenanigans. Buy 2 rolls of the same tier and get 3 separate rolls where you can pick your top two prizes! Also continuing the LUCKY NUMBER upgrade. Today’s number (Jan 22nd) is 2. If you roll a 2 on 1/22, you’ll receive that prize and get a re-roll for an additional prize! This applies to the first roll only if you’re doing the roll 3 pick 2. The bonus JACKPOT SPIN will be spun on each roll until we get another jackpot winner! As of 5pm 1/22, we haven’t had a winner. If you win the jackpot spin, you can choose any item in the shop (excluding the “lifer” pack and the black box) as a reward.

(2) 5lb CVG Substrate
(3) Agar Pre-mix Sampler
(4) “Unlisted” syringe
(5) Spore Print
(6) 3 Random Cubensis Syringes
**All promos listed below apply to orders placed after 5pm CST on 1/22. For fairness, if multiple orders are placed, only the first order number is eligible for the gives listed below**
The first 20 orders will receive a free SPECIAL SWAB PACK not available in the shop! We haven’t done these in a while, but if you already have one and don’t want a duplicate, let me know and I shall include something else unique! But these are awesomesauce.
All order numbers ending in “0” on 1/22 will get a $50 coupon code to use on your next order, along with next week’s new release! Coupon code sent with order.
All order numbers ending in an EVEN number on 1/22 will receive a free pack of Lions Mane capsules! Included in the holiday boxes last month and given out last week…wonderful feedback, so keeping it for another week of gives! These are not FDA approved so obviously they are not for human consumption, but they’re nice to look at 😉
All order numbers ending in an ODD number on 1/22 will receive one of my most loved varieties in honor of heart chakra week! This could be a spore syringe, pack of swabs, liquid culture or spore print of a variety I hold very close to my heart.
The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend!
Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one (just add a note to your order to remind me)! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)
To vent, talk it out, ask for help or just have someone to listen to the good bad and ugly, hit the inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com or join the Discord and send me a chat. I’m ALWAYS here for you friend.
5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30
EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50
Catch ya next Wyco Wednesday for THROAT CHAKRA week on January 29th at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!
Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3