Wyco Wednesday January 15
**Shop merge almost complete! Please use this website, www.millywyco.com, the one you’re on right here right now for any genetics AND supply orders. The MWMycology site that was previously supplies only is going away and the confusion shall end once everything is transferred**
Hey there, eyeballs!
Ok I won’t do the yellow on white text, that would be sadistic. Just pretend the black text is yellow to fit the theme of the Solar Plexus chakra (and try not to think of the Pittsburg Steelers cus boooo!)
I hope everyone is having a beautiful week so far as we come together on the ides of January! We had an absolutely stunning full moon on Monday with full visibility here at the myco sanctuary and it was glorious! I was just outside talking to my dad on the phone and was basking in the amazing weather here today, when he mentions the forecast near him calling for -9 degrees with the chill of the wind. I lived there for 25 years and that nonsense of a negative number is still absurd to me. Not trying to rub it in! Just thankful to be where I am 🙂
In previous years doing this chakra thang, I’ve started the program a couple weeks ahead of making these posts, and was able to give some personal reflection and insight on how each chakra helped align my being. This time around, I’m right there with yas. Today starts the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra, which I feel is one of the more balanced chakras for me personally. But sometimes even when a chakra is in alignment, I learn a lot about myself and others through the process. For instance, last week we focused on the SACRAL chakra, which is all about emotions, creativity and sexy things (among others), but the theme of the week for me focused around relationships and gratitude. These go along with the sacral chakra to an extent, but was still unexpected to have such a strong force show me ways to be thankful for quite literally everything in life. It’s truly amazing to just be able to have this physical experience and everything that goes along with it…all the ups and the downs and all the sideways swoops and turns too. I’m coming off this past week with a renewed sense of wonder, amazement and motivation for life in general. Thanks for following along on my woo-woo journey! WOO!
The SOLAR PLEXUS chakra is an energy center located just a couple inches above your umbilical cord socket (some may call this a button of your belly) and is associated with the color YELLOW. Queue the broken record here, but I always feel the need to reiterate that the techniques and practices I mention here may sound a bit hippy dippy woo woo magic sauce. But it’s not necessarily the scents you surround yourself with or the crystals you keep nearby or the way you hold your hands when you meditate. These all may be a placebo. Or they might not! We just can’t measure most of these metrics with numbers on a graph or spreadsheet, so they’re written off as bunk. I get it. But placebos work! To me, placebo is just another way of saying “It works and we don’t know how”, to which I say “you’re goshdarn right”. At least for me anyway, what I mention here is a way of bringing awareness to that energy center and focuses the cells in your being to march forth on a clear mission to do XYZ. In this case, it’s balancing the Solar Plexus chakra.
The Solar Plexus chakra, or “Manipura”, corresponds to our personality, self esteem, and sense of worth. When it is out of harmony, we feel the need to control everything, and sometimes go about our lives feeling inadequate or always having something to prove. We may not respect ourselves and could develop a bit of self hatred in the process. No bueno. You have nothing to prove. To anyone. Just keep doing the awesome, life enriching, relationship deepening things you know to be true to yourself and we’ll get this train back on track. Trust, fear, guilt, self esteem and self-care are all affected here and can deeply impact your decision making process and response to criticism.
When your Solar Plexus is in harmony, we feel whole and centered, know our self worth, and cultivate our personal power in healthy ways. There is a balance between the spiritual and material world. This week and next week for the Heart chakra, the focus will be on merging the physical with the spiritual. I’m not sure merging is the best word here but at least finding balance between the two. All too often, I focus HEAVY on the physical side of things and neglect the spiritual, or vice versa, but I find true inner peace and bliss when the two are more equally centered. This is where you find the source of your soul’s true identity and purpose.
Some physical ailments that correlate to the Solar Plexus chakra could be issues with digestion, intestinal problems, eating disorders, fatigue, and diabetic related stuffs (though that ship sailed for me 30 years ago…). Last year, I went into SP week eating a VERY clean diet, yet had more digestion issues than ever before. Quite frustrating! But after spending some time on this chakra, pretty much everything cleared up and I felt so so much better. Was it coincidence? Possibly, ya nay sayer! You don’t know if you don’t try though.
Meditation is one thing I’ll continue to encourage until the end of my days, as it’s been the single most helpful tool in my daily practice. Take a few deeeep breaths in, into your belly, and an extra little gasp into your chest, picturing a glowing yellow light in your belly radiating that new energy. Exhale the old, stale energy slowly, releasing any fear, pain, or expectations you have for the process. Each time you do this, picture that yellow glowing energy strengthening and engulfing your being just a little bit more than the last. I like to hold my right hand over the chakra I’m working on, and sometimes it helps to hold one hand over your heart and the other on the chakra to be able to connect with it fully. A gentle, rhythmic tapping on the chakra center can be helpful as well. This doesn’t need to be done all criss cross applesauce in the typical meditation pose, but can be done while exercising, laying down, or anything in between. Just let your thoughts come and go and focus on your breath. You’ll get attached to some of the thoughts, but just bring your awareness back to your breath and let them go. You can come back to them later, but for now you’re just dissolving in the moment. Get in tune with the Solar Plexus chakra and intuitively feel what your needs are. You may even ask it what it’s needs are! Part of this practice is just listening and learning to let go. Each time you get distracted and bring your awareness back to your breath, it’s like a bicep curl for your brain. After some practice, you’ll get better and it will be more effective. If it were easy it wouldn’t work as well! Embrace the challenge. You got this. Add in a mantra, like RA, or words of affirmation such as “I can”, or even a mudra like the one pictured below (tried to describe in words…my brain broke for you) to supercharge your meditation! And can we just say that the Rudra Mudra and Solar Plexus names are pretty spiritually gangster!?! I mean…check out this meditation gang sign:

Using incense, essential oils, crystals and the like are some other ways to bring your attention to the Solar Plexus chakra. Yellow crystals and rocks, like citrine, yellow topaz and my favorite, tiger’s eye can all be used to deepen your practice. I like to go from morning meditation into yoga, and often at the end of my yoga routine (savasana), I’ll just lay there on my back with another quick meditation with a crystal resting on that chakra center. And each time I do that, I say to myself “well I just may never get up”. Perfectly peaceful and content, not a care in the world, feeling grounded and in some ways, like a spiritual operation is being done to fix what I’m focused on. Cat/cow pose, sun salutation and a few other poses I can’t remember the names of will help open the Solar Plexus chakra (I’ll link some guided yogas down below). Lemon, lavender and rosemary are some oils commonly used in this practice. I like to dab a drop on my clothes around that chakra, and when I get a whiff every now and then, it helps bring my attention back to that lovely ball of energy.
Surrounding yourself with as much yellow as humanly possible is something I like to do during this week. Wearing yellow swag, eating lemon things, yellow peppers, pineapple, yellow apples…you get the gist. Any light that has the ability to change color shall be switched to yellow mode this week! And whenever I see yellow out and about in the wild, I take a deep intentional breath, say “thank you”, and charge up the ol Plex! Am I crazy? Well yah, that’s well established by now.
I’ve made a SOLAR PLEXUS PLAYLIST on the Tube of You so you can follow along if you wish. There are a handful of short guided yoga videos that focus on the Solar Plexus chakra, a guided meditation, and some singing bowl frequencies tuned to the Solar Plexus chakra that you can use in meditation or to have on in the background. Sound frequencies can change our physical makeup, our brain chemistry, and even affect the spore production of mushrooms. Play around with some of these with no expectations and see what happens! With the yoga videos, I chose my favorite yogi in all of the land, Nico. She’s an amazing soul, very beginner friendly, and I just dig her vibe, but there are a TON of yoga videos on the tube relating to different chakras. The ones on this list range from 15-30 minutes. Some days, I really just don’t feel like it! So I might choose a shorter one. And after each practice, I think “why in the world did I not want to do that? I feel better now”….the challenge is getting started.
Get out there and make this week the new best week of your life. Exude confidence, stick up for yourself when necessary and let things go when necessary. Love yourself and everyone and everything in your awareness. YOU ARE LOVING AWARENESS! If you don’t like how things are going, don’t stew in that feeling. Change it. Take a breather, reset, get balanced and come back. This new perspective on the world could be insanely life changing, but only if you put in the work to do so.
This week, another long lost variety heads back to the shop! It may not have a cool marketable name like “Blue Meanie” or “Jedi Mind Fuck”, but don’t sleep on this one! XICO may not sound super exciting, but I always appreciate a variety being named simply for the area in which it came. Xico is in Veracruz, Mexico, and as with most genetics that hail from MX, it has more of a spiritual essence to it. It’s also near the top of my list in terms of how beautiful these fruits are, and I think you would absolutely agree!
Thanks to some amazing and generous Discordians (and thanks to stellar mod @TheGovernorTTV for letting me know), we’ve unlocked some features on Discord! Thanks to everyone who sent a boost or a turbo or whatever you did! (Still figuring things out with that app). As with many aspects of this gig, we are community driven and community contributions make this space so awesome to share. Have you any graphic skillz, I’d love to see what you come up with! We’re currently looking for a server “banner background”, which should be a minimum size of 960×540 with a 16:9 aspect ratio, and a server “invite background” which should be a minimum of 1920×1080, also in 16:9. I have a few pics myself that would be cool for these pages, but would love to see if anyone around these parts could make it even cooler. Submit your finest submissions to me on Discord or email to millywycomushlove@gmail.com and we might use your flavor! If yours is chosen, I’ll be in contact to arrange a special box of goodies for your trouble!
Next week, we’ll have a Christmas in January edition along with the HEART chakra focus. This is mainly a reminder to myself not to forget as I have the past 2 weeks. I threw out a Christmas light contest last month asking for cool lighting designs on houses near you, got a handful of submissions and seemingly ignored them. Sorry @ed and other Discord friends! I’ll display and pick a winner on the next day of Weds.
As a reminder: Instead of using ebay checkout to complete a payment if necessary to use PayPal or card, I now have a separate site setup at millywycomerch.com where you can complete your transaction. Instructions are given at checkout and with your order confirmation email. And one of the best things about this switch in options is reduced fees! I added a totally optional fee/tip box a few weeks ago if you would be so kind and generous to cover fees associated with using these methods, but if that’s not in your budget, don’t hit that button! You still get the good goods. That box has changed from the former eBay’s fee of 15% to the new Shopify fee of 5% woot woot!
Also, with the new shop items, I’ve restructured the shipping rates that were being offered on the supply only site. For most orders including supplies, shipping will be the same rate up to 5 lbs, and the rate from 5-20 lbs also remains the same. So if you already have 5+ lbs of items in your cart, you can go up to 20 without having to pay any additional shipping!
Just to reiterate, HEAT PACKS have been added to the shop for the frigid areas! Recommended for areas that are in the mid-20’s or colder.
Don’t forget about the WEEKLY RAFFLE!!! This past week, by random selection, order 12158 grabbed the 3rd place prize, 12153 secured the 2nd place spot and 1st prize goes to order 12200! Congrats!! You’ll receive tracking info when your prizes ship within the next 2 days!
Each raffle ticket is GUARANTEED an exclusive item, such as an “unlisted” (not available in the shop) syringe, spore print, liquid culture, or Penis Envy hybrid, etc, AND an entry to win one of the following prizes:
1st prize– BLACK BOX (Customized “mystery” box, stuffed full of genetics, supplies, artwork and other cool myco goodies tailored to your skill level in the hobby)
2nd prize– 40 Pre-Poured Agar Plates
3rd prize– TWO 5lb CVG All-In-One Bags
ON WEDNESDAYS ONLY, we’re continuing the ROLL 3, PICK 2 promo for the dice roll shenanigans. Buy 2 rolls of the same tier and get 3 separate rolls where you can pick your top two prizes! Also continuing the LUCKY NUMBER upgrade. Today’s number (Jan 8th) is 3. If you roll a 3 on 1/15, you’ll receive that prize and get a re-roll for an additional prize! This applies to the first roll only if you’re doing the roll 3 pick 2. The bonus JACKPOT SPIN will remain a fun addition on ALL days, but only for the $35 roll. (Roll 3 pick 2 will get two spins)

(2) 5lb CVG Substrate
(3) Agar Pre-mix Sampler
(4) “Unlisted” syringe
(5) Spore Print
(6) 3 Random Cubensis Syringes
**All promos listed below apply to orders placed after 5pm CST on 1/15. For fairness, if multiple orders are placed, only the first order number is eligible for the gives listed below**
The first 20 orders will receive a free Penis Envy hybrid spore syringe not available in the shop! We haven’t done these in a while, but if you already have one and don’t want a duplicate, let me know and I shall include something else unique! But these are awesomesauce.
All order numbers ending in “0” on 1/15 will get a $50 coupon code to use on your next order, along with next week’s new release! Coupon code sent with order.
All order numbers ending in an EVEN number on 1/15 will receive a free pack of Lions Mane capsules! Included in the holiday boxes last month and given out last week…wonderful feedback, so keeping it for another week of gives! These are not FDA approved so obviously they are not for human consumption, but they’re nice to look at 😉
All order numbers ending in an ODD number on 1/15 will receive an unlisted pack of swabs! I received my first pack of swabs as a freebie many moons ago, and it kick started my adventure into agar. I had to look up what they even were! But that was a pivotal point in my myco career. If you’re not ready to dive in, just save it for a rainy day and it’ll call you when you’re ready 🙂
The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend!
Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one (just add a note to your order to remind me)! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)
To vent, talk it out, ask for help or just have someone to listen to the good bad and ugly, hit the inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com or join the Discord and send me a chat. I’m ALWAYS here for you friend.
5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30
EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50
Personal coupon codes (won from WW, giveaways, etc) that were for the MWMycology site are currently being transfered to this site. If yours has not yet been transfered, let me know and I’ll get on it ASAP!
Catch ya next Wyco Wednesday for HEART CHAKRA week on January 22nd at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!
Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3