Welcome back, myco maniacs!

Last week, I fumbled the bag a bit on the ol posty post. I thought I set aside enough time to change the format and write a little doodad, but I continue to confirm that web design just doesn’t go too smoothly for me. SO! I’m attempting to make up for it this week. Pretty much the same format, with a bunch of fun stuffs and chances to grab some AWESOME genetics. BUT FIRST! Some babblings and ramblings from our sponsors (I am my own sponsor at the moment and likely forever)

Soap Box in BLACK, Freebies/Promos/Giveaways in RED, Updates in BLUE

A couple of themes have presented themselves to me this past week- energy, and “trying” in relation to attachment, and I wanted to share a few thoughts. Skip down to the red text stuffs if you’re not about it…it just helps to write things out sometimes (my sponsor is also my therapist. sub ek).

I mean, when is energy not a theme around here? More specifically though, the energy you project and it’s effects on activities in this hobby. Plants obviously need light and water to grow and be healthy. But you will notice a difference in a LOT of plants, even given the same conditions, with ones you CARE for (give attention and truly love) and the ones you allow to survive. Sure, some thrive on neglect. Or rather, just not messing with them a ton…still give them love! Some species and varieties of mushrooms are the same…they don’t want to be tinkered with, but they still absorb the energy around them. Mushrooms share more DNA with humans than they do with plants! Think back on a time where you were in a situation, directly or indirectly involved in some kind of conflict. Doesn’t have to be as extreme as a physical altercation, but even just an argument at a family dinner or being with the couple out on a date that have been fighting. Even if you don’t have anything to do with the situation at hand, the energy is just off. Or in a romantic relationship, if you feel neglected and unnoticed or unheard, that affects you in undeniable ways. If you were a growing organism in that energy cloud, you probably wouldn’t be too excited to grow big and strong and with all the love.

Back in my day…when I was a little tike on Reddit (this was back in the good ol days when Reddit was…different. Long before I even thought of being a spore vendor), I made a post about an experiment I was trying with energy projection and it’s results. I had just made a dozen BRF jars (for some GOURMET mushroom I do not recall), and the experiment was to write “LOVE” on one, “HATE” on another, and have 10 as controls. The text was written on the side of the jars to avoid any possible, unintentional favoritism during the processes through inoculation, and every step in the process was performed meticulously exact in every way I could. I was using spores (oyster I guess?) at the time, which is always a crapshoot and a huge variable here, but as a newbie mycodude, I was working with the knowledge (and excitement) I had on brain.

I intended on carefully taking the “LOVE” jar a few feet from it’s incubation area, into my meditation area to infuse it with approximately all the vibes. I made it part of my ritual, and was absolutely spoiling this jar with mimed love bombs on the daily. This happened. I intended on taking the “HATE” jar a few feet from it’s incubation area to shout unkind words like “you’re good for nothing”, “why do you even try”, things like that. Really giving it my worst. That did not happen. I knew it was (or was about to be) a growing organism, and even for an experiment that seems silly, I couldn’t get myself to be mean to it. Instead, the “HATE” jar became the “neglect” jar. I would project an energy of “you’re not there” to it once in a while, but no worse.

As I said, we have variables. It would be impossible for every jar to have true equality in this experiment. I was young. BUT! What do ya know…the one “LOVE” jar GREATLY out-performed the other 11, and the one “HATE” jar severely failed to compare to the other 11, not making it to spawn and eventually getting contaminated. The 10 controls in the middle did just that. At the time, that ignited a passion in the hobby and made me feel my hypothesis on energy absorption could be a possible thing maybe? Could that be measured in the lab? I don’t think so… Could that all be “woo”? It very well could be woo, mr. Woo. Have I noticed the same patterns as I sit here writing this many years later? You bet I do, mr. Woo. Aside from the mad scientist level of “dialing in conditions” with the perfect temps, air and humidity levels, give your (obviously GOURMET) living organisms some love and attention. Talk to them. Share your deepest secrets (they won’t tell, and frankly, they already know). Tell them you love them and you’re proud of them or just anything on an energetic level and see what happens. I’m not saying anything will happen at all but…it couldn’t hurt.

Another theme that keeps smacking me in the face and ass and everything in between, has been that of “trying” as it pertains to attachment. I’ve been trying my very best to listen and observe patterns in my life, and this one comes up time and time again. I’ll be out and about minding my own, just as observant as usual but not looking for anything in particular, and low and behold, absolute beauty all around me in every shape and form. I bask, I’m grateful, I continue about my journey. In the “laws of the universe” as it relates to my being (like the laws of physics to the universe- gravity and uhh…the others), if I go out to the same place, try to re-create an experience or witness the same random beauty, just by trying to do so, I do not see the same result. That isn’t to say don’t put forth the effort, but rather don’t be attached to the end result. Do your best, stay the course, and all will work out. I have come to this conclusion many times in the past several years, and for whatever reason, slightly lose sight of it. Usually, at that point, I’m tested, and the cycle repeats itself. On this last round, I had the same epiphany as I’ve had before, with a blast of “OF COURSEness” as if it were the first time. Fireworks, release of attachment, total ahhhh and aweee. The following day, I found myself in similar situations as the ones I was yearning for with all the beauty. The ones I was looking for but wasn’t getting because I was trying. As soon as I give up the attachment, there it is. Of course. Ahh. Timing works out. Life works out. EVERYTHING is beautiful.

On a completely unrelated note, I am desperately asking for suggestions for names of a couple new friends I made. When I have free time, I like to get out in nature. Walks, hikes, bikes, exploring anything and everything out in the wild. I’m a simpleton. One of my favorite things to do is paddle boarding on the lake. A couple months ago, I ran into a lovely couple who took a liking to me. In retrospect, they may only like me for my nuts. And upon further reflection, I have switched from nuts to rice, corn and oats (what am I, a mycologist?!?). The big one took one glance at my mushroom/acorn pendent and took a chomp at it! I have refrained from feeding them mushrooms.

These little mallards spot me from 50 yards away and make a bee line straight to me. On a side note, I always thought it was “B-line” which I say should be changed to “I-line”, but “bee line” refers to the straight path a bee takes when it’s all full of nectarsauce. How interesting! I digress…these fantastic fowl greet me by my board and just hang out for a while. Not a care in the world (except maybe what food I have. NO! They love ME for ME!). I’ve tried out different names, and even asked them, but I just won’t accept “quack” for an answer. I outsourced to a couple friends. Everything felt forced. If you have a nice name for either or both of these gorgeous creatures, or if you personally know either party and would like to share their birth name, please share! For reference, the big beautiful male is quite aggressive and doesn’t let his ol lady get much attention (or food). He may provide for her in other ways away from the board, but so far, I am not impressed by his chivalry. Sometimes he climbs on my board and we sail away. He does not look back to see if she’s alright. Kind of an asshole actually.


This gift may be a special “unlisted” syringe, PE Hybrid, pack of swabs, spore print or some funky spore print art, and shall remain a mystery until you open your box of goodies!

Ok, one last tidbit of non-myco speak. I just heard my great great grandfather, Ram Dass, mention one of my favorite stories and feel compelled to share:

“Some years ago I put out a set of records called Love, Serve, Remember. The records – which had music, readings from the Gospel of John, and all kinds of neat things – came in an album with a beautiful booklet with text and pictures. It was a wonderful package, and we sold we sold it by mail order for about $4.50.

I showed the album to my father. Dad was a wealthy Boston Lawyer – a conservative Republican, a capitalist, and, at the time, the President of a railroad. He looked over the album and said, “Great job here! But, gee, you know – four and a half dollars? You could probably sell this for ten dollars – fifteen dollars, even!”

I said, “Yeah, I know”

“Would fewer people buy in if it were more expensive?,” he asked.

“No,” I relied. “Probably the same number would buy it”

“Well I don’t understand you,” he pressed on. “You would sell it for ten, and your selling it for four- fifty? What’s wrong, are you against capitalism or something?”

I tried to figure out how to explain to him how our approaches are differed. I said, “Dad didn’t you just try a law case for Uncle Henry?”

“Yeah,” he replied, “ and it was a damned tough case. I spent a lot of time in the law library.”

I asked, “Did you win the case?” And he answered, “Yeah, I won it.”

Now, my father was a very successful attorney, and he charged fees that were commensurate with his reputation. So I continued. “Well, I bet you charged him a hand and a leg for that one.”

Dad was indignant at the suggestion. “What, are you out of your mind? That’s uncle Henry – I couldn’t charge him.”

“Well, that’s my problem,” I said. “If you find anyone who isn’t Uncle Henry, I’ll rip them off.”

Allllrighty then, continuing to make up for lost time, ONTO THE UPDATES!

First of all, I want to mention USPS is struggling oh so hard right now. Hurricane Beryl caused a massive bottleneck, and severe weather across the country has slowed some processes all over the country. Packages are missing their initial scan into the system or are getting scanned in super late, but they are all arriving at their destinations, albeit later than the expected timeframe for USPS. Give them patience, give them grace. It’s very similar to holiday chaos over there. And also trust that I do ship every single day! When you receive a tracking email, your order is 100% shipping that day. If you don’t get an email (check spam!), feel free to blast my inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com and I’ll send it manually 🙂 And as soon as you receive your order, if you’re not going to use anything right away, it’s best to store in the refrigerator. They may have been through a lot in transit…let em chillll man.

Also, last week I was in such a frenzy that I forgot to update the Discord link! My b. These things only last 7 days, so I have to refresh it when I make a new post. Hit the button below to join the cool kids club! Link good through 7/24

In the world of genetics, continuing with the one “traditional cube” and one “funky duck” per week release, please welcome TREASURE COAST and OG DC to the library!

Treasure Coast was my favorite cubensis variety before Matapanas re-entered my life. Keep in mind, this is the most subjective subjeciveness gets and likely has to do with my own chemistry, emotions, timing and 432 other variables that only apply to me, but I absolutely love this one in so many different ways. The way those spores move around under the scope, I mean *muah* chefs kiss. Word on the street is, it came from a coastal region in Florida where there were many shipwrecks. Cool name…by a stretch of the imagination, it relates. RegARRRRdless, this treasure will not let you down.

OG DC is our funky addition to the shop this week, and as usual with most funky ducks, is available only in swab packs. OG DC is almost identical to DC Mak, but one version prior (many great melmak variants from this dude!). For those of you who don’t know, DC is a high quality breeder that brought several extremely loved varieties into circulation, and this one is no exception. Pull it up Jamo!

In the GOURMET/CULINARY/MEDICINAL world, I have an exciting one to announce this week for those of us who live in a climate similar to hell (am I right, Arizona?). This HEAT TOLERANT Lions Mane was cloned from a wild sample collected in the middle of summer (not by me) a couple years ago, and has been known to fruit well into the 90’s and up to 103 degrees! Keep in mind, we have all the genetics for microscopy on this site, and a separate site for gourmet liquid cultures and growing supplies. The button below will take you to the Lions Mane page of the mycology site 🙂

ONTO THE PROMOS!! And all the free/fun stuffs. You made it all the way down here (err..scrolled)…you earned it.

A new permanent coupon has entered the realm of gourmet liquid cultures on the gourmet/growing site at millywycomycology.com! Use coupon code 3FOR30 to get any 3 gourmet liquid cultures for $30!

A new permanent coupon has entered the realm of EXOTIC spores on THIS site! Use coupon code EXOTICA at checkout to grab any 5 exotic syringes for $50!

And perhaps the greatest of all, today only (July 17th) the weekend of July 19-21, use coupon code MORETHANIBARGAINEDFOR at checkout to get 50% off all cubensis syringes (2 item minimum)! (this is a COUPON CODE that you will enter on the CART page. Where it says “Enter coupon code”<<put it there)

And just one more for the sake of being goofy…the first TWO lucky ducks to use coupon code SPOOBS get a free pair of framed spoobs 🙂 (must have item in cart when applying coupon code) This is pictured without the frame because of glares and aggravation. It’s so much more glorious with the frame. HUGE props to the genius masterminds of the art department of the TarkilnForager fam for putting this together! Each “print” has unique spore prints on them, making them one of a kind. Like the one pictured below, because each spore print is different, each pair of spoobs are different. Ya know, just like boobs.

Thanks for being such an awesome community! If you have any suggestions on how to improve, requests for varieties that aren’t in stock, or just want to say hello, feel free to email me at millywycomushlove@gmail.com 🙂 Until next week! Mush Love <3

Want to see what you missed? Browse previous Wyco Wednesday pages!

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