Wyco Wednesday October 2


Happy October, mighty magical myco masters!

I’ve heard some people relate October, Fall, orange, brown and Thursday together and have some kind of flow about the group. I concur. I would also add mushrooms to the mix. I think mushrooms go with October pretty well, but then again, I think mushrooms go well with every month of the year so…can’t trust me. I am fine tuning a few fall related and fall specific projects that I’m really excited to present toward the end of the month! If you’re in a relatively “normal” state, October is a wonderful time of hoodie and shorts weather, or as they call it in Austin, “sweat even when you’re naked” weather, as it doesn’t seem to be letting up much these days. I’m sure we’ll hit a couple weeks of nice fall weather in January or so. Looking forward to it.

Speaking of the weather (slow news day), I know the Carolinas got hit pretty hard from hurricane Helene this past week. I’m sending all the positive healing energy your way and hope for a quick recovery over there. If anyone lost any genetics in the storm, I doubt your insurance would let you claim it, but thankfully your order came with Milly insurance, so if you need help rebuilding, reach out and I’ll do my best to get you back up and running. Really though, my heart goes out to all who were affected. If anyone needs to vent, share or just have a shoulder to cry on, I’m here.

I was actually in Florida last Thursday helping a couple buddies move up to Charlotte. Perhaps the absolute worst timing imaginable for that course, but hey…we made it. The day after the storm, I went out back at their new place and didn’t have to walk very far to find all these guys popping up! I have undershots of a few of these guys if you want to have a positive ID, but feel free to shout out any that you recognize as is in the DISCORD! Extra points if you ID the smallest ones in the pic (my favorite of this forray)

I come back to the homestead to find my beautiful Lions Mane ready to be feasted on! Well…cloned to agar, made into LC and then feasted on. They know the routine. This grow in particular was an interesting one that I honestly didn’t have much faith in from the start, but wanted to give it a try anyway. I used liquid culture that had been in the fridge over a year! Usually when I improve on a culture, I keep the old one for rainy day experiments (like this) and just continue on with the latest and greatest. I just don’t like wasting what could still be good…and twas good indeed! I used the super old LC on an oversized bag of grains that had been hanging out in a closet for over a year as well, looking dry as the Sahara. I thought to myself, how could I “broke boi” this tek even further…queue bathtub tek! No tent, no fans…just a block of Lions Mane sitting on the edge of my bathtub with a humidifier in the tub. I refilled the humidifier twice and gave the block plenty of love, but other than that, I just set it and let it do it’s thang! Probably not going to have any 3 star Michelin restaurants coming after my bathtub mushrooms, but these were all for me.

Unfortunately I forgot to snap a pic of the bathtub LM, so I’m showing a second flush of blues coming in nicely next to the LM block I later prepared. I made a delicious BBQ “pulled pork” sandwich, some LM nugs, baked creole bites with cocktail sauce, and my favorite of the meal, Lions Mane potato cakes with lemon yogurt sauce. ARE YOU HUNGRY YET? This is what happens when someone sends me multiple recipes to try…moderation is not my strong suit. I’m still nibbling on what I made for this meal. Hit up @TarkilnForager on Discord if you’re interested, for he is the recipe king.

And speaking of the man with the plan (Stan), Tarkiln made some epic agar punches for a few Discord giveaway winners and I kept one for myself to play with. Here are a few of my favorite shots of the MW logo as an agar punch so far, some with regular light and a few where I tried to make it look cool with a blacklight (still trying):

And just a few completely unrelated naturebug type shots I thought were cool beans this week. I figure you’ve OD’d on where the deer defecate (I’ll continue to spam Discord with my deer friends) but still appreciate pretty things.

Switching to Geico could save you 15%
Terence McKenna reincarnate
Does not skip leg day…

As most of you know, I distance myself from most media and socials and essentially live under a rock mushroom. I like it that way. But I also miss relevant info from time to time, and want to declare that after learning about the private happenings of a Mr. Jared Leto, I retract my wishes to run into that man on the random as I harped on the past couple weeks. I do not condone whatever he’s into these days (c’mon dude…). That is all.

If you’re a “bathtub tek” kind of person, or you like to fruit your mushies on your kitchen counter, follow me! I’ve fruited mushrooms every which way in my days, and learned the hard way that spores can cause illness if you just let them go all Milly Vanilly Willy Nelson Willy-nilly out there. If you have a tent with a fan and duct work and a filter with a setup to disperse spores away from the air you breathe, you’re good to go. But if you don’t care to go all in on the gourmet cultivation game and want to go a more simple method, I suggest trying out the SPORELESS OYSTER (new/back this week) so you don’t cover your home in spores. Everything you know and love about oyster mushrooms without the mess.

Starry Night APE swab packs are still available! We have a decent number in stock, so there’s no rush…I’m just very proud and excited to share this one 🙂 I’ve been sending it out with a few of the FUNKY DUCK packs lately as well.

Discord goes hard! It really is a fantastic community in here with all types of people willing to learn and lend a hand/ear. If you like helping and getting help…if you like crazy giveaways…if you like freedom of speech in a safe space with your best friends….get in here! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend and merch giveaways every Wednesday! Here’s a sneak peek at just a few of the many Fall items we’re giving away this month, so generously created and donated by @UnderdogArtisan (pronounced Aa-tuh-zan, “the UK way”)

Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten every Tuesday.

The first 20 orders after this post goes live (5pm CST 10/2) will receive a free UNLISTED variety with their order! This is a brand new one, never before offered in the shop or given away! It will come labeled with the name and date just like all the others, but shall remain a mystery until you open your box of goodies. This is a 12mL cubensis spore syringe.

All order numbers that end in an EVEN number after 5pm CST on 10/2 will receive a free SWAB PACK with their order!

All order numbers that end in an ODD number after 5pm CST on 10/2 will receive a free SPORE PRINT with their order!

All order numbers ending in “0” after 5pm CST on 10/2 will get a $50 credit good for supplies and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! Coupon code sent with order.



Only one riddle this week! The answer is a coupon code that has 3 uses. Once 3 people use this sucker, it pretends it never even existed. It’s for $20 off your cart if you’re one of the first 3 to use it. At checkout. Use this code at checkout. In the “coupon code” box.

What is something you put on your roof and possibly get after chicken pox? ******** ALL 3 CODES CLAIMED! CHECK BACK NEXT WEEK YA SCALLYWAGS


5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30

EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50

EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com

3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com

See you Wednesday October 9nd at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!

Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3

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