Mushroom soldiers and soldierettes! We’ve been expecting you.
As I typed out “soldiers”, I fat fingered the word several times and accidentally typed “solid” and “soul”. Which may have actually been subconscious, since I did have “soul” on the mind (and on my soul. Oh yeah, I’ve got soul on my soul baby), and what I was about to write was along the lines of this community being super solid. No mistakes! No accidents. Fake news. Everything is as it was meant to be. Always has been, always will be.

I had some unexpected personal things come up out of nowhere, so making this a short one today! Shipping and all the biz still running smooth as ghee 🙂
As the deep innerworkings of my subconscious so graciously prompted me up there ^^ I just wanted to communicate how incredible this community truly is. “Solid” is one hell of an understatement. Not just this MW community, the old Reddit folks and the new Discordians, but the entire mushroom community as a whole. Since I’ve started doing all this fun stuff, I’ve been able to witness a nurturing hobby grow leaps and bounds all across the world, more mainstream news articles than ever before, changing laws and changing stigma all over this rock. The progression of this movement is absolutely incredible, and every single person that had any part in spreading the word or showing how this can all have a beautifully positive and healing effect (yeah, you!) is equally responsible for where we are today. I am so thankful to be a conduit of change through this process and feel the energy (and spores) flowing through me, through you and electrifying others through amazing shocks of love <3
Sometimes the going gets tough and things can seem rather difficult to navigate. Scrap “seem”….things are just downright difficult sometimes. Yet somehow, whenever I feel the slightest hint of discouragement or doubt, someone from this community just happens to drop a line out of nowhere showing their immense support and love. I mentioned last week about noticing patterns in my life that are like laws of my being, and these inbox hugs never cease to amaze me when they appear in perfect timing. From the bottom of my heart and toes and caps and stems, thank you for always being there and supporting this incredible journey. In case you didn’t know, you have an incredible impact and your importance expands beyond your wildest imagination.
As always and forever, if you’re not having a super smiley day/week/year/life and you want to talk to someone who cares, I’m always here! Sometimes you just need someone to listen, and I think talking things through helps a TON, even if you’re not trying to get advice or anything. millywycomushlove@gmail.com

Allllrighty then! Hakuna matata. Onto the goood…oh snap! My ducks!
Last week, I presented a naming challenge for some duck friends of mine on the lake, and got a ton of interesting suggestions like Bob & Weave, Luna & Miles, Sir Quacksalot & Duck Norris, Jimi & Janet, Ram & Dass, Cashew & Peanut, Duncan & Clancy and Midnight & Gospel, which I freakin’ LOVE. Midnight being the aggressive male bully and Gospel being the little brown angel following behind. If you haven’t seen Midnight Gospel on Netflix, you should go do that immediately. Duncan Trussell is amazing. I am NOT entertaining “Stuffled & Plucked”! I think my favorite though was Taz & Tweetie, Taz being a bit of a devil and Tweetie is a sweetie 🙂 I didn’t mention this last week, but “AZ” with order 10782 coming in with the official names will be getting a special gift in a few days. Thanks for the names errbody!!
I was planning on this being the 4th and final Wednesday in July to continue the “traditional” cube and “funky” cube new release tradition. Why didn’t anyone tell me we have 5 Wednesdays this month!?!? I’ll see if I can pull something special out for next week on the cube side. I already have plans for something special for the gourmet/growing site heyoo!! Which is at millywycomycology.com by the way! I still get asked about this multiple times a week…sorry for being a broken record here. I know it’s not convenient to place an order on another site, I just need it to be clear this site is for genetics that can be observed under the microscope and the mycology site is for gourmet liquid cultures, grains, substrate, agar and other mycology supplies. Anywhoooo, right here, right now on this right here right now site, we have a favorite among many including the great Paul Stamets…STARGAZER coming in with the traditional cubensis release! Next in line for the funky ducks, an absolutely stunning display of spores hits the shop with SV-10 available in swab packs only.
Stargazer comes from the foothills of the Andes mountains, around the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. I wouldn’t say this is a beginner study under the scope, but about everyone I talk to who has any experience with this variety really loves it.
SV-10 is a newer cross of Yeti and Chodewave (yes, Chodewave). “SV” stands for Soucoupe Volante in French, which translates to “flying saucer”, and the “10” is for the 10th generation of hybrids that were crossed to create this stable variety. Instantly became one of my favorites and is much easier to examine under the microscope than Yeti in my opinion. SV-10 all the way!!
The first 20 orders after this post (5pm CST 7/24) will get a free “unlisted” variety, not available in the shop! If you’ve received something special in the past and want to guarantee you don’t get a duplicate, add a note with your order about what you got last time! And if you have a special request, add that too!
Order numbers ending in “0” on 7/24 will score a $50 credit for gourmet liquid cultures and supplies at millywycomycology.com (plus access to the 2 super cool new items rolling out next week!)
The goofball is real with this one. I haven’t forgotten about the merch stuffs I hinted at a few weeks ago! A couple of things swooped in on the priority list, but I should have something fun to show you guys next week 🙂 I’ll choose two orders placed today (7/24) at random to get a molecular framed print and a framed print of the sp00bs in the meantime. Spitties? Sporeolas? Spore Knockers? Still working out a name for these fun bags of spores.

Trivia returns next week! New merch stuffs, a new variety pack and 2 brand new gourmet items coming next week! See y’all Wednesday the 31st! Mush Love <3
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