Congratulations on making it through another week, my friends! You’re doing great 🙂

Lately, I’ve found myself overwhelmed with gratitude. It’s a great thing to be “overwhelmed” with! I used to do this thing when I was feeling down or just “blah” where I would look around wherever I was and just say “thank you” when I saw something I was appreciative of. Sometimes a whisper, sometimes a loud outburst heard in other zip codes, sometimes just internally. That super simple, super short exercise moved me into a place of love, thankfulness and just being in the moment (which is quite excellent) and usually took over any negative emotions I was feeling. Are my problems really that earth shattering when I have these beautiful trees and plants outside? This beautiful sunshine? Or beautiful rain? That cool teapot? Those lush flushes of mushes? Well, yes, sometimes we have some major challenges in life that need addressed, but it’s super easy to get caught up in things you can or can’t control and lose sight of the simplicity of life thriving all around us. Look around and find something that brings you joy, take a deep breathe, say “thank you”, move on to the next joy, rinse and repeat. It only takes a moment to grasp the sweet feeling of being blessed.

Aside from the thankfulness channeled through nature, things growing and artistic material creations, I feel ultimately blessed with the relationships I have in my life. We live in a world that is…well, let’s face it. The world is bonkers. And individual hardships don’t help. There are many things that attempt to divide us with the intention to conquer us. But together, keeping loved ones close and getting involved in communities like this, sharing the good things and helping others through the tough times, we UNITE and BUILD like never before. On the Discord, we have a ton of super helpful dudes and dudettes that love to share their own findings, link you to relevant resources, or just be there and listen if you need someone to talk to. Truly blessed to be a part of this and see so much healing taking place in a time where we need it most. Plus, this is just a rumor, but I hear joining the MW Discord is the leading protection against Trichoderma.

Speaking of! I just got a little more insight on what I’ve mentioned before to be my favorite cubensis variety, Matapanas, from one of these beautiful souls around here (shout out Dafran!). I only had a (very cool) personal story about it’s origin to me, but beyond that, Lou got it from Tom who got it from John who’s mother’s uncle…yeah, it dried up quick. But new info has surfaced, and I thought it was interesting to share!

The name comes from Mata Panas (Pan Killer) because el duderino that was working with them was originally growing Pan Cyans, but after the second flush, mycelium started covering the substrate again. The cake was taken over by some rogue cube spores and an offshoot of one of the cubensis varieties he was working with overpowered the Pans. He said he was working with PF Redspore, Tulum and Matias Romero at the time, but ruled out PF Redspore since the unknown was throwing off dark spores. Whatever the case, I thought it was a fun tidbit to learn 🙂

Completely unrelated here, but I came across some groovy tunes recently and wanted to share. I’ll post in the “music trip tracks and media” channel on Discord as well. Some might hit better in uhh…other states…and others are just good chill listening.


New to the cubensis shop this week, we have a very cool one by popular request: Penis Envy Uncut Revert! This is the “revert” of original PEU, which (as with any reverted variety) means it has reverted back to take of the characteristics of a normal/traditional cubensis variety while retaining the mighty strength of the original PEU.

In the GOURMET/EDIBLE/MEDICINAL/INCREDIBLE library over at (separate site) millywycomycology.com, please welcome the GARDEN GIANT….the KING STROPHARIA…the CAP OF WINES…WINE CAP! These are decently easy to grow unless you live in a place that resembles hells furnace most of the year…sayyyy Texas. I’m still trying though! Usually best if you have a few or more consecutive months of nice cool weather between 50-70F. GrandPaul Stamets loves these things and always has a huge outdoor bed on his property. Just add some grain spawn to a bed of wood chips and/or straw, keep it from drying out and let nature do its thang!

If you’re just getting into the world of mushrooms, or know someone that would enjoy some fully colonized gourmet grain spawn, hop in the Discord! I’ll be giving away a couple few or more bags ready to mix and fruit later this evening 🙂

I’ve wanted to post a list of permanent coupon codes here the past few weeks for reference and always forget! These are the ones currently active. Some are newer and some from the old Reddit days. If you had an old coupon code that didn’t transfer to the new site, let me know and I’ll add it!

5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30

EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50

EATMYPLASTIC – Free “Plastic Eater” Mushroom Culture at millywycomycology.com

3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com

As for the Wyco Wednesday specials TODAY ONLY:

ALL orders placed today will receive one of these two cool lookin’ swiss army buttons! It’s a button…it’s a magnet…it’s a bottle opener…it’s all of the above! These are also in the MERCH SHOP, and if you’re grabbing one from there with your order, I’ll make sure you get the other one as the freebie 🙂 The magnet hold onto the bottle cap too, which I got perhaps a little too much enjoyment from. It’s the small things…

The first 20 orders placed after this post goes live (5pm on 8/7) will receive a FREE Penis Envy hybrid syringe with their order! This is one I haven’t given away in probably 6 months or so, and is my favorite of the PE hybrids I give out.

Order numbers ending in “0” on August 7th will receive a $50 credit good on supplies and gourmet liquid cultures at millywycomycology.com!

How about some RICHARD SIMMONS trivia?!?! Each answer is a COUPON CODE to use at checkout for $20 off your order 🙂

Which famous late night talk show host gave poor ol Richard an asthma attack? ************** (nospaces)

In 1987, RS replaced Alex Trebek on a home shopping shop called *************** (nospaces)

Richard’s first name given at birth was ******

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing this beautiful life with me! See you next Wednesday 8/14 at 5:00! Mush Love <3

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