Wyco Wednesday September 11


Happy Wednesday, spore flickers!

Blessed be mother nature, it is beautiful outside these days! Here in Austin, we have this thing called “false fall” which is what I believe we’re experiencing right now. Give it a couple weeks and I’m sure we’ll see triple digit temps, but for now, things couldn’t be nicer 🙂

I’ve been in the process of starting some new projects and wrapping up some old ones, so this week and possibly next week there probably won’t be a ton of new exciting things releasing, but we’ll have some cool stuff to show off toward the end of the month!

On the personal side of things, I was able to reconnect with a couple close friends who came in from Ohio this past weekend and meet a couple new ones! They only came in for two days so of course, never enough time to spend together, but the quick trip was nice. I showed them around at my favorite nature trails and went out on the lake for a day. Still no duckeroos! I’m just going to publicly say they are officially gone and moved on (not at all in the hopes of doing that will make them come back, nooo). We grabbed food at some great local spots, and one lad in the squadron pointed out my sticker at a local taco stand. This was no surprise, as I put it there a couple years ago, but jogged my memory of a handful of pictures I’ve received over the years of the MillyWyco sticker out and about in the wild.

The taco shack we went to is known for having stickers all over their walls and they welcome it…it was not defacing anyone’s property or being disrespectful. So please don’t do that! But if you happen to spot a wild MW sticker out and about or intentionally place one yourself (in allowed areas!), I’d love to see the MW sticker travelogs! I remember maybe 2 or 3 years ago, someone sent me a picture of the sticker on an airplane door and said they just spotted it and weren’t even the one who put it there! Even if you were…good verbiage my friend. And thanks for the share.


Not exactly about the sticker, but about a year ago, I fulfilled an order that was shipping across town here in Austin. The order ended up coming back to me, and dudeman realized he forgot to add his apartment number to the address. Not wanting him to have to wait any longer, I said I’d run it over to him since he only lived 20 mins away. He said I could swing by his work and drop it off, and I’m always happy to meet a fellow myconaut! I got to his taco bar and spotted him pretty quickly, as he was wearing a hat with a mushroom patch sewn or ironed on. “Nice patch, man! Where’d you get that?” “I got it from you like 4 years ago!” he said with a smirk. No freakin way! I had maybe 10 of those patches I gave out on the random back when I lived in Ohio and he just happened to be one living here in Austin and here we are meeting in the same town just minutes from each other. He (or his restaurant anyway) made me some of the best mushroom tacos I’ve ever had by the way! Had an absolutely wonderful rest of my day…colors poppin’, smiles a smilin’…what were those mushrooms, man? I digress. Oh and I saw Tony Hinchcliffe on the way out too. Super random.

Things like that make me think about how many times I may have run into someone in the mushroom community before out and about and didn’t even know it. Maybe even talked to them in person and had also spoken to them on a forum or email. I think we are so similar to mushrooms and our connections are so much like mycelium. We are all connected, and I think if we really knew all the ways in which we knew each other, directly or indirectly, it would absolutely blow our minds. Keep flicking spores and spreading mycelium all around these parts!

Speaking of spreading mycelium, I usually take spent substrate blocks and return them to the earth out back at my house. Sometimes I cover them with some leaves or sawdust pellets in hopes to come back to a garden of oysters, wine caps and other deliciousness. I also dump grains back there from time to time, and have recently seen deer droppings all around where I dump grains and myc. I’m walking around the neighborhood thinking about how these deer are getting a sorghum feast and surely stopping at my bucket of water I keep for them, wondering if perhaps some mycelium would survive and be spread wherever the deer defecates. Which is actually the title of my new book coming out next year, “Wherever the deer defecates” available wherever books are sold. Anywho, I’m thinking about these lovely deer spreading my spores and mycelium all around the neighborhood, and look up and see this dear deer fam, probably doing just that:

Did someone say grains?
On my way…

Another couple notable snaps from my walking travels over the river and through the woods:

These guys have been here a looong time! No really…these aren’t early Halloween decorations. They change periodically depending on what event or holiday is around the corner. Stay spooky.
I call them balloon animal cacti. If you have any other incorrect names, share it on the Cord

Discord squad going strong my friends! We hit 300 members last week (WHEEEEWWWWOOOWWWEEE!!) and continued with our giveaways left and right and up, down and sideways! So much so that I needed to come to a halt for a moment to restock on all the things given recently. BUT, we shall be back at it yet again starting the afternoon of Friday the 13th!

Also, mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere, I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You rock harder than Jimi Hendrix and pop louder than Taylor Swift.

The first 20 orders after this post goes live (5pm CST 9/11) will receive a special “unlisted” spore syringe FREE with their order! This one is a true mystery! A mystery to me…a mystery to you (so far) and on the label it says…mystery. Usually, the “unlisted” ones are just a secret until you get it, but these were mislabeled at some point along the way and are still some pretty stellar genetics and very cool looking. I gave a handful out about a month ago, so if you received one then, let me know in the order notes so I can give you something else.

All EVEN numbered orders after 5pm CST on 9/11 will receive a free FUNKY DUCK spore swab pack with their order! If you’re new here, “Funky Duck” is not an actual variety, but what I refer to all the wild and weird cubensis varieties as. There are several very unique and peculiar ones in the library that I shall choose based on whatever calls to me when I have your order in hand. Whatever it is, it’s meant for you.

All ODD numbered orders after 5pm CST on 9/11 will receive a free PENIS ENVY HYBRID syringe with their order!

All order numbers ending in “0” after 5pm CST on 9/11 will get a $50 credit good for supplies and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! Coupon code sent with order.


Only one question this week! The answer is a coupon code that has 3 uses. Once 3 people use this sucker, it pretends it never even existed. It’s for $20 off your cart if you’re one of the first 3 to use it. At checkout. Use this code at checkout. In the “coupon code” box.

How many letters are in the title of my new book coming out on February 30th? ********** (spellitoutnospaces)


5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30

EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50

EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com

3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com

See you Wednesday the 18th at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends!

Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3

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