Wyco Wednesday December 18
Ho Ho Ho, My Merry Majestic Myco Fam!
Hard to believe we’re nearing the end of the year ALREADY!! I’m feeling incredibly blessed to be wrapping up another year of this gig, all thanks to the support from you beautiful souls. Thank you so so very much!!
In the spirit of the holidays, I wanted to throw out a picture contest to see who could capture the most extravagant house decorations. I was taking a walk last night admiring some of the best ones around my neighborhood, and quickly realized I am not the one that should be taking pictures here. Now I realize why we have no good pics of these mystery drone alien government orb vehicle thingys! Bonus points if you can get a clear shot of one of those! (c’mon @noelemahc!). Unfortunately, this is the best I could do and it does NO justice compared to what these homes look like in person. People go all out down here!

So if you have some cool light shows or elaborate Christmas decor you would like to share, feel free to post your best in Discord or email them to millywycomushlove@gmail.com for a chance to win a super awesome mystery box of goodies 🙂 Those who have received these in the past have been very pleased 🙂
Not so into the holiday cheer? Not to worry! Thanks to the great @TarkilnForager on Discord, a few lucky agar workers (elves) have received some themed agar punches recently and have begun working with them. If you have a neat agar plate you would like to share, we have a new “agar & LC” channel on Discord where you can post your favorites. Some have been sharing their best “MW” logo punch plates or pumpkins, ghosts and others from the Halloween/Fall set. Whether you’re working with the new punches or just doing your own standard agar work, I propose a competition for cool plate pics for the next 2 weeks split up into two categories: rhizomorphic growth, and “the funk”. Rhizo is pretty self explanatory, and “the funk” is whatever you want it to be. Could be some whacky contamination, cool patterns, heart or mushroom shaped growth, or anything you deem “cooool”. Here are a few that have been posted in Discord recently, but if you don’t have Discord, feel free to email them to millywycomushlove@gmail.com and we’ll display the favorites on the next post. Shout out to @Souleman, @UnderdogArtisan, @NoirFury (nice cheeks) and a handful of others who have shared their gorgeous progress!

No rush on these submissions, as next Wednesday is Christmas day and we will not have another WW post until the first of the year. Winners will be announced on the January 1st post and prizes will be sent the following day!
Since we won’t be doing a WW next week, expect some super groovy updates to hit on the first of the year! I’ve been working on some stellar genetics that haven’t been offered before, a better checkout system for the current eBay peoples, and a less confusing shop where you will be able to order supplies and genetics in the same swoop. And to kick off the new year, we’ll be doing a similar version of the “chakra series” we’ve done in prior years that will focus on balance, love and soul fulfillment to the max! Fun stuffs ahead 🙂
My HEAT PACKS finally came in! For those in frigid areas, this is recommended. I don’t hear about any issues when temps dip into the 20’s, but in the teens or lower, adding a heat pack wouldn’t be a bad idea. I did an experiment a few years ago where I left a test order outside in 15 degree weather for 12 hours and they didn’t have any signs of freezing yet. That doesn’t mean in transit on the way to you they wouldn’t freeze in some way, so plan accordingly. Even with syringes that have been frozen solid, there have been a handful of people on Discord voice that they still performed well, but it’s not idea for them to freeze solid. If you have suspicions, hit me up and I’ll be able to over my two pennies.
NEW this week (err…new-ish), LEUCISTIC JEDI MIND FUCK returns to the shop! This is by far one of my favorite Leucistic varieties out there and I like it much more than the OG JMF variety. Just my opinion! But I know I’m not alone in this. These guys are AWESOME!!!
From today (12/18) through the end of the year (12/31), just as in past years, we’re rolling out the special HOLIDAY MYSTERY BOX! Just like with the BLACK BOX, all you need to do is add a note at checkout to let me know your skill level in the hobby (on a scale of 1-5), and any other details that would be helpful (prefer syringes only, getting into exotics, trying to learn agar, etc) and I’ll hand pick the contents of your mystery box to fit your needs. The HOLIDAY BOX will have a subtle holiday theme, with varieties that fit the season, leucistic varieties (snow ho ho), unlisted genetics not available in the shop, and a chance to win a crispy new “Mush Love” hoodie! I have one SMALL and one MEDIUM up for grabs. If this hoodie is your style and size, mention the size in your order notes at checkout and the two winners will be announced on the Jan 1 post.

Don’t forget about the WEEKLY RAFFLE!!! This past week, by random selection, order 11951 grabbed the 3rd place prize, 11974 secured the 2nd place spot and 1st prize goes to order 11954! Congrats!! Your prizes will ship this Friday the 20th 🙂
Each raffle ticket is GUARANTEED an exclusive item, such as an “unlisted” (not available in the shop) syringe, spore print, liquid culture, Penis Envy hybrid, etc, AND an entry to win one of the following prizes:
1st prize– BLACK BOX (Customized “mystery” box, stuffed full of genetics, supplies, artwork and other cool myco goodies tailored to your skill level in the hobby)
2nd prize– 40 Pre-Poured Agar Plates
3rd prize– TWO 5lb CVG Substrate bags & FOUR 2lb Sterilized Grain Bags
ON WEDNESDAYS ONLY, we’re continuing the ROLL 3, PICK 2 promo for the dice roll shenanigans. Buy 2 rolls of the same tier and get 3 separate rolls where you can pick your top two prizes! Also continuing the LUCKY NUMBER upgrade. Today’s number (Dec 18th) is 2. If you roll a 2 on 12/18, you’ll receive that prize and get a re-roll for an additional prize! This applies to the first roll only if you’re doing the roll 3 pick 2. The bonus JACKPOT SPIN will remain a fun addition on ALL days, but only for the $35 roll. (Roll 3 pick 2 will get two spins)

(2) 5lb CVG Substrate
(3) Agar Pre-mix Sampler
(4) “Unlisted” syringe
(5) Spore Print
(6) 3 Random Cubensis Syringes
** 30% off ALL SUPPLIES TODAY ONLY (12/18) at millywycomycology.com (other site) with coupon code WHOAHOHO **
**All promos listed below apply to orders on this genetics site only on orders placed after 5pm CST on 12/18. For fairness, if multiple orders are placed, only the first order number is eligible for the gives listed below**
The first 20 orders will receive a free “unlisted” spore syringe not available in the shop! I have a handful of this, a handful of that…all special and not available in the store. If you’re avoiding duplicates and are a “regular” around here, feel free to let me knwo what NOPT to include so your library continues to expand!
All order numbers ending in “0” on 12/18 will get a $50 credit good for grains, substrate, agar and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! (separate site) Coupon code sent with order.
All order numbers ending in an EVEN number on 12/18 will receive a SPORE PRINT pin with your order! I’ve given out the bottle opener/magnet buttons in the past, and we now have wearable pins to swag up your hat, shirt or bag!

All order numbers ending in an ODD number on 12/18 will receive a “Be Here Now” pin!

To vent, talk it out, ask for help or just have someone to listen to the good bad and ugly, hit the inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com or join the Discord and send me a chat. I’m ALWAYS here for you friend.
The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend!
Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one (just add a note to your order to remind me)! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)
5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30
EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50
EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com
3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com
Smell ya NEXT YEAR for Wyco Wednesday on January 1st at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!
Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3