Wyco Wednesday November 20
Howdy ho, neighbors!
Welp, I asked for it and Fall hath come! At least for a brief moment. I woke up this morning and t’was a cool crisp 47 degrees as I was taking my morning deer walk! No, I don’t walk the deer. Psssh…I wish. We’re getting there though. I usually set out to find Ned or one of his friends around the neighborhood and don’t come back until I’ve spotted one or 10. Last week, I walked nearly 5 miles to find one (and I would walk 500 more…) but this morning I didn’t have to go but maybe 50 yards. I swear he asked me for a jacket but I just kept a movin’. Onward, ho! Supposed to be back in the 80’s this weekend…pretty sure that’s not a good thing. But hey…can’t complain over some nice weather while we have it.
So I had a thought the other day….some people have high thoughts or shower thoughts…I have deer-walk thoughts. I was skipping around just minding my own, and was about the time the kiddos get out of school. I live close to a middle school and many of them also must live close by because there’s always gaggles of little tikes walking home. GAGGLES I SAY! Not that I was intentionally eavesdropping…but I couldn’t help overhear a small gaggle talking about their plans when they got home. Some mentioned bashing on some snackages, a few mentioned what I assume to be TV shows that I am not familiar with…I think I heard a “skibidi rizz on God no cap” or something. I think they were talking about me. It was all foreign. When the language barrier fully set in, I checked out and got down with my own thought loops. I reminisced about my own after school snacks, shows I would watch on “FUSE” and MTV back in the day when MTV wasn’t just a perpetual marathon of Ridiculousness (literally). What a feeling….to be done with the day at 3pm with no real responsibilities outside of the Runescape realm. I can’t say I loved high school, but the memories that were jogged as I jogged really took me back and put a goofball smile on my face and a tear in my eye. What a wonderful time that I really didn’t appreciate when I was in those moments. Completely taken for granted, never to be had again.
I think back on different times of my life like that, knowing I didn’t really realize what I had when I had it. I used to be a little emo kid. Maaan, they don’t make rock like they used to. And then a rave baby. Gah! Unst unst unst…the PLUR was real. Things changed. Or did I change? Everything is different. Now we’re past all that. Onto the next! The next…whatever! And here we are. At each step of life…each fad or phase or hobby and activity I was into, I was just skipping along my happy self, not realizing I would be looking back on that time, whatever it was, and thinking “maaan….that was really a golden era for xyz”. So many “golden eras” that I can reflect on. I hit the sweet spot in a lot of ways with a lot of things. Yet, we don’t often think about our current situation like that. It’s not just that I can identify those sweet spots when I was 9 or 13 or 16 or 25 and all the way up and everything in between and then it just stopped. I just haven’t been able to reflect, because it’s still happening! One day though, I’ll look back at this very present moment RIGHT NOW and think, “maaan….what a beautiful time that was.” This community, this weather, this city, these friends, this whole life…it’s all a sweet spot.
It’s always easy to get wrapped up in what’s wrong. Wrong with the world, wrong with the country, or your state or what could be improved in your household or in your personal life. Yeah, there’s always something. But it’s not like I wasn’t complaining as a kid, during the time I’m now looking back on with bliss just saying “aaahhh…what a time”. I still had girlfriend problems…I hated when my parents told me what to do and in college I was broke as shit and didn’t know where my next cup of ramen was coming from and could probably find 1,000 other things why my life was falling apart. But would I change any of that? Hell no! I am who I am, because of what happened to me, how I reacted, how I learned from that and how I overcame those obstacles. I wouldn’t change it for anything. So now, when I run into my big boy problems, I try to think about how even though I may not realize, life is friggin good, this is a true golden era and an unrecognized sweet spot that I can look back on and say “maaaan, that was nice”. So enjoy the little things and know that older, wiser you is looking back saying “hey, everything’s gonna be just fine. You don’t know how good you have it.”
I teased some vague newness last week and well, the lie detector test came back and determined….I am NOT a liar! Woohoo! There’s a lot of really fun stuffs coming up and in past years, when I’ve had a lot of cool things to release, I’ve just said LETS GOOOOO!!! To all of it. And then had a few consecutive weeks where I had nothing for yas because I just couldn’t contain myself at the start. So this week, I’m still saying LETS GOOOOO but we’re stretching it out a bit so we don’t get bored in the weeks to come.
FIRSTLY! You have been teased long enough! (But you liked it didn’t you?) I’ve been throwing out merch giveaways for the last, what? 64 weeks? Something like that? Seems like it’s been years. “Milly, where can I get that? Where can I buy these gorgeous garments?” YOU MUST WIN AT RANDOM, I said. What a cruel trick. But congrats to all the peeps who are now covered in said swaggy garb. Today is the day! We now have some wearable, buyable, flauntable, swagalicious threads for yo sexy self! Thanks to the great Tarkiln Art Studios for the back spore print design and @UnderdogArtisan for the lovely front “Mush Love” design and fantastic screen printing at SuziArt, we have some AWESOME short sleeve and long sleeve T’s in all sizes from Small to 2XL! These shirts are super comfy, and have totally held up in the washer and dryer many many times so far, as I’ve been wearing mine nonstop and they still look brand new! Just $20 will make you look like the king or queen you are, draped in the finest MillyWyco apparel. Check out the shirts and other trinkets in the MERCH SHOP!

Next on the docket of greatness, we have a new “luck of the draw” type item! A “dice roll” if you will, inspired by out very own @noelemahc! I love keeping things fun and interesting in here and I know a lot of you like the random aspect of me choosing what goes in a variety pack, or more likely just…you not having to choose! I know I love a good grab bag and they’re hard to resist. Well with this one, neither of us have to choose! The universe will bless you with good of its choosing through an actual roll of the die! 3 tiers are setup at a $10, $20 and $35 price point, each with 6 different winnable prizes. Each tier will have 6 prizes (one for each side of the die) that range from slightly over the tier’s value to well over the tier’s value…no matter what you get, you’re a winner 🙂 Keep in mind, once the die hath spoken, that is what you shall receive! There are no special requests or substitutions here. ALSO- shipping is included with all of these items, so instead of having to pay $10+ shipping on a couple substrate bags, you can grab them with free shipping if the dice roll your way 🙂

(2) 5lb CVG Substrate
(3) Agar Pre-mix Sampler
(4) “Unlisted” syringe
(5) Spore Print
(6) 3 Random Cubensis Syringes
And lastly, a BRAND NEW super cool variety to hit the shop in swab packs only, please welcome the great…the mighty…the wonderful, BLACK SHAKTI to the library! This one has a pretty interesting morphology and is the newest member of the “Funky Duck” pack. Absolutely gorgeous and super weird for you goof heads and weirdo lovers!
Ok, so that was the last of the new FUN stuffs, but I do have a couple non-fun stuffs to mention this week. I’ve been putting this off for a good while now, but I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty. Ok, for real. For cereal now. I remember when my shipping rates were $3.31 when I first started this gig, and now I can’t ship a single damn syringe for less than $5. The cost of my syringes and needles have gone up over 40% in that time, and I’m pretty sure every one of the supplies I use (besides bubble wrap) has experienced hella inflation. Hella is the technical term here. Google Pay, Zelle and other fee-free payment services have either been discontinued or don’t cooperate with spore vendors. My prices on everything in the shop have not budged and shipping remains free. At the moment, I am still saying they have not and will not change from me to you. But some of the payment methods I offer, primarily through eBay’s checkout service, are taking me to the cleaners with fees. I added a button at checkout to cover the eBay fees if you must pay that way. Cash App, Apple Pay and cryptocurrency are all preferred, as they take less, and even this button is completely optional. If you don’t have it in your budget to cover what they charge me, I still want you to be involved in the hobby and get what you need… don’t hit the button if you can’t make it work. But if you are able to pay through one of the other methods, or if you are able to add the eBay fees to your order at checkout, know that it is GREATLY appreciated and helps keep this whole gig alive without having to change prices and charge for shipping. I love you all the same either way and wouldn’t think anything less of you for however you choose to go about your payment. We’re all in this together and we’ll make it work one way or another, best believe that!
**All promos listed below apply to orders on this genetics site only on orders placed after 5pm CST on 11/20**
The first 20 orders will receive a free “unlisted” spore syringe not available in the shop! This is one I gave out maybe 6 months ago, so if you’ve been around and would rather not see a duplicate, add a note to your order or hit the email (millywycomushlove@gmail.com) to let me know what to avoid and I’ll get you a unique one. This is one of my beloved and I’m sure will be yours as well!
All order numbers ending in “0” will get a $50 credit good for grains, substrate, agar and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! Coupon code sent with order.
All order numbers ending in “1” will receive a free SPORE PRINT with your order! Chosen by your favorite Sporecaster 🙂
All order numbers ending in “3” will receive a free SWAB PACK with your order! Chosen by your favorite Sporecaster 🙂
All order numbers ending in “5” will receive a free “EggNat” (Non-overlay variant of Ps. Natalensis donated by @EggShen!) with your order!
All order numbers ending in “7” will receive a free MW Spore Print patch, made from actual mushroom leather! These babies can be ironed on or sewn onto your favorite wears. Generously donated by the sweet and caring @UnderdogArtisan. These things are wicked cool!!
All order numbers ending in “9” will receive a free MW Spore Print swiss army button thingy! This has a magnet back so you can stick it on the fridge and a bottle opener to pop your top!

To vent, talk it out, ask for help or just have someone to listen to the good bad and ugly, hit the inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com or join the Discord and send me a chat. I’m ALWAYS here for you friend.
The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend!
Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one (just add a note to your order to remind me)! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)
5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30
EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50
EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com
3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com
Smell ya Wednesday November 27th at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!
Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3