Wyco Wednesday January 29


**The supply shop (formerly millywycomycology.com) has been merged with this shop! I believe all items and coupon codes have been transferred to this site, but if something is missing or your code isn’t working, please let me know!**

Welcome back, wise speakers and attentive listeners!

We’ve been focusing on one chakra each week, starting with the ROOT at the base of the spine, all the way up to the CROWN at the top of the head. Today, we’re focusing on the 5th of the 7 chakras, the “Vishuddha”, or THROAT chakra!

The throat chakra focusses on expression and communication, setting boundaries, speaking our truth and standing up for ourselves. The past couple times I’ve spent a week on the throat chakra though, nearly all of my lessons came from the listening aspect of the throat chakra instead of the speaking part. I remember last year having some absolutely INSANE synchronicities during this week, all centered around listening. So even though most of this will be geared towards communicating, also be mindful of how attentive you listen as well. I spoke on those synchronicities last year and have some pretty wild stories, so if anyone cares to share and swap stories, I’m all about it! This time around, I’m also experiencing some intense synchronicities at this point in the chakra series, but I’m a bit more reserved on sharing. Usually when I reach a certain point of excitement where I want to share these wild things with the rest of the class, it shuts them down in some way. So here I am, drifting through the cosmos, silently appreciating the synchronicities before me in pure bliss and amazement. Just listening.

Sometimes, the universe/gaia/God/whatever your name for a higher power is, gives me lessons in a very humorous way. Sometimes I don’t get them at all, because my awareness isn’t tuned, and sometimes I recognize the lesson, but it’s taken with frustration or anger. But when I take a step back and reflect on the situation, I see how almost every lesson learned can be taken with humor. For instance, if you’re speaking with a friend, telling a story that you love, and notice they aren’t paying attention…or say they interrupt you and start telling their own story. You might be thinking “man, they didn’t even listen to what I said!”. You start getting frustrated, think they’re rude, think about at what point in your story you lost them, etc. All the while, they’re still telling you their story. In reflection, you we’re so busy getting upset at how they weren’t listening that your foggy brain didn’t listen either! To me, that’s a pretty hilarious lesson. And I’ve noticed from time to time, lessons like that appear when you least expect it, and repeat until you “get it”. So whenever I feel frustrated or annoyed at another person’s words or actions, I try to improve that aspect of my own life. And I swear, just about every time I realize this and make improvements, I see those same improvements made on the other side right back at me. Start listening intently, full focus, eye contact and all, to the person that interrupted your story. Not even to hope they mirror you back (which they probably won’t but who knows), but they might say something that you need to hear in one way or another! Be kind to the rude peoples, just because it’s the right thing to do. They might just need love. Be the change you want to see because I swear to the mother of mushrooms we are in a friggin simulation and you can totally game the system with love. Try it. Spam the hell out of this place with love so all you see everywhere you go is love. It’s lovely <3

Oh yeah, and embrace those tough lessons! Think of it like a fast pass through that course. You’re never going to receive a lesson you can’t handle, and often times the most difficult ones are the lessons we learn from the best. And sometimes, we may be on our own path, staying diligent in our practice, doing “all of the right things” and WHAM! Tragedy strikes. Or BLAMO! Another beautiful being comes into your life. Oh, and they have a kid. And they need to change their living situation. And they’re processing the loss of a loved one. And this and that and how will I ever get back to my safe and cozy routine where I was experiencing all this fantastic growth?!? I was doing great! Now look at all these distractions and responsibility keeping me from progressing! Oh no, my friend, that IS your work. You’ve graduated! Maybe you were doing fine in your safe and cozy routine, but life realized you were up for the challenge and wanted to see how you’d balance growth with adapting to change. Instead of resenting that unexpected roommate or partner that doesn’t see eye to eye or extra work required by your job, recognize that this complicated situation isn’t hindering you from filling yourself with love, expressing it freely to all and progressing along your path. The new situation IS part of your path, your perspective just needs to include it in your work.

Speaking of love, I meant to include a little tidbit regarding my yoga routine last week (yoga is awesome. Do it.). This would’ve been oh so fitting for the heart chakra, but I wasn’t great with time management last week and forgot to include it, BUT this applies to all times, not just when the focus is on the heart. I typically do this right after my yoga routine as just a little cool down exercise that focuses on self love, but any time you can fit something like this in and spin it to make it your own, I highly recommend. (we’ll get back to the throat chakra I swear)

First, grab your elbow with your opposite hand and pull it toward your chin. While in this stretch for a few seconds, pat yourself on the back because you’re friggin awesome and you deserve ALL the love today. Repeat swapping arms. Next, with both hands, as enthusiastically as you possibly can, swoosh some quick breaths into your face hole. I do it sporadically and kinda make a dance out of it. Infuse your entire body with love. Next, quickly punch your hands up in the air, and when your arms hit full extension, flick your fingers in the air. Repeat with your arms at the 11:00 and 1:00 positions, then 10 and 2, etc, like you’re a clock flicking little bursts of love you just built up with your breath all around your space. Finish with a side body arm stretch with your hands just below the opposite shoulder, giving yourself the most powerful, loving hug you can muster. Transition complete: you are now loving awareness.

Alsoooo on the topic of love, you all sure do a stellar job of making a guy feel loved SHEEEEESHers! From notes on orders, to postcards, community contributions, story sharing, gifts, and I could go on and on….I really felt the love this past week, and I am so incredibly appreciative of each and every person reading this. You pulled a reverse Grinch on me and my heart is now 10 times bigger. And seeing how everyone interacts with each other in the Discord, it’s pretty clear we have a very loving squad that really cares for each other. Keep on spreading the love and being the badass human you know you are <3

Wheeeere were we? Oh yeah…the THROAT chakra! Little monologue diversion never hurt nobody! Back on track.

The THROAT chakra is the first of the “spiritual” chakras, where faith and understanding…intuition and logic, merge. When the throat chakra is out of balance, we may feel silenced or judged for what we say and feel out of alignment with who we are. When it is in harmony, we follow our dreams and speak our truth, where we say what we mean and mean what we say! We listen to our inner voice and have balance between silence and speech.

Knowing when to speak up, what to say, and being able to put yourself in the shoes of the receiver to be sure your message is communicated effectively are all a tough balance to achieve and take time and practice. The affirmation “I speak” or mantra, HAM (pronounced HAUM) are excellent tools to use during meditation and everyday life to get balanced, recenter, and focus on the throat chakra.

The color associated with the throat chakra is light blue, so grab those….uhh…blueberries! And…erm…blue…spirulina? Am I blanking right now or what the hell else is blue that we eat? This will be a tough grocery run….mucho blueberries in my future. Whenever I eat said berries of blue, or so much as glace into the beautiful sky or see any blue lights, a deep breath I shall take, with haste! All powerful, motivating, loving intentions will be absorbed on this breath as I bring my awareness to the throat. Each time you take this intentional breath, visualize a bright blue light radiating from your throat. Each inhale draws clean, fresh energy to this energy center, making it larger and larger until all you are is a throat. Turquoise, aquamarine, and lapis lazuli are some crystals that can help open and align your throat chakra, as well as lavender, rosemary and frankincense oils and incense. I love rocks. I love smellgoods. I am hippie. Hold my beard while I hug this tree. Oh, and tea! Tea is wonderful for the throat chakra. Pretty much anything besides glass tea I think is good for the throat. Maybe stay away from screws tea and nails tea as well. Other than that, you’re good.

(new gang sign, who dis?) I’ve noticed, much like focusing on your breath during meditation can help clear your mind and be less attached to thoughts streaming by, a mudra can somehow channel some of that attachment as well. By regulating your breathing and shaping your hands in such a way, more focus can be focused toward not focusing on anything. That’s a lot of focus for nothin, huh! And according to these gang sign posters I’ve been adding recently, it helps make your kids taller! (uhh can I get a fact check on aisle THIS, please?)

THIS PLAYLIST on YouTube has a whole gaggle of helpful videos on the throat chakra. Some guided meditations, a few quick yoga routines, and a couple cool ones explaining how to get the most our of your throat chakra focus this week. One of the best explanations I’ve come across is one from Teal Swan, the devious looking lady midway down, who has a few other chakra videos, but going off her name, I’d say she knows a thing or two about the this one.

NEWWW to the library this week (damn this purple be poppin!), we have a very odd one. A funky duck, indeed! I’ve had a couple different variations of Koh Samui in the past, but this one has to be my favorite: Koh Samui Super Strain Squats! I hear if you say that 5 times fast you mother in law appears. It’s a suuuper funky one! Look it up, Jaymo! Koh Samui is one of my favorite varieties from Thailand and this one is a very fascinating study. Like most of the peculiar pelicans, these are only available in swab packs.

Also, not new to the shop entirely, but a newer item that I forgot to transfer from the old site has finally appeared: agar pre-mix and liquid culture pre-mix packs! These are available in 500mL and 1L quantities, where all you need to do is add that amount of water and sterilize @15psi for 25 mins!

We held a community submission contest for the Discord banners, and the results are in! Thank you all sooo so much for being a part of this amazing community and creating some art for the group! We’re going with @AverageGuyAI’s banner for the invitation to the cool kids table:

and an anonymous friendo who submitted a cool ass server banner background (at least I believe anonymity was the wish…if this has changed, reveal yourself for the love of praise!):

Just to reiterate, HEAT PACKS have been added to the shop for the frigid areas! Recommended for areas that are in the mid-20’s or colder.

Don’t forget about the WEEKLY RAFFLE!!! This past week, by random selection, order 12252 grabbed the 3rd place prize, 12261 secured the 2nd place spot and 1st prize goes to order 12296! Congrats!! You’ll receive tracking info when your prizes ship within the next 2 days!

Each raffle ticket is GUARANTEED an exclusive item, such as an “unlisted” (not available in the shop) syringe, spore print, liquid culture, or Penis Envy hybrid, etc, AND an entry to win one of the following prizes:

1st prize– BLACK BOX (Customized “mystery” box, stuffed full of genetics, supplies, artwork and other cool myco goodies tailored to your skill level in the hobby)

2nd prize– 40 Pre-Poured Agar Plates

3rd prize– TWO 5lb CVG All-In-One Bags

ON WEDNESDAYS ONLY, we’re continuing the ROLL 3, PICK 2 promo for the dice roll shenanigans. Buy 2 rolls of the same tier and get 3 separate rolls where you can pick your top two prizes! Also continuing the LUCKY NUMBER upgrade. Today’s number (Jan 29th) is 9. If you roll a 9 on 1/29, (ok, enough goofing off) if you roll a 4 on your first roll, you’ll receive that prize and get a re-roll for an additional prize! The bonus JACKPOT SPIN will be spun on each roll until we get another jackpot winner! As of 5pm 1/29, we haven’t had a recent winner. If you win the jackpot spin, you can choose any item in the shop (excluding the “lifer” pack and the black box) as a reward.

*NEW RULE* if the die keeps you in suspense for 5 seconds or more (keeps spinning), you win that prize and get a re-roll!

(1) TWO spore swab packs
(2) 5lb CVG Substrate
(3) Agar Pre-mix Sampler
(4) “Unlisted” syringe
(5) Spore Print
(6) 3 Random Cubensis Syringes
(1) 3 Penis Envy Hybrids
(2) “Mush Love” Shirt
(3) 2 Syringes, 2 Swabs, 2 Prints
(4) “Big Boy” pack
(5) 20 Agar Plates
(6) LC Pre-mix Sampler + 6 Modified Lids
(1) “Funky Duck” pack
(2) 5-Pack Spore Prints
(4) $50 Store Credit
(5) 10 Random Cubensis Syringes
(6) TWO 5lb CVG Substrate

**All promos listed below apply to orders placed after 5pm CST on 1/22. For fairness, if multiple orders are placed, only the first order number is eligible for the gives listed below**

The first 20 orders will receive a free mystery cubensis syringe! Something didn’t get labeled properly….not entirely sure what it is, but tis a cool one indeed 😉 Beginner friendly, stable as a horse, purdy.

All order numbers ending in “0” on 1/29 will get a $50 coupon code to use on your next order and a raffle entry! Coupon code sent with order.

All order numbers ending in an EVEN number on 1/29 will receive a free BLUE MEANIE syringe!

All order numbers ending in an ODD number on 1/29 will receive a BIG BLUE syringe!

The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend!

Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one (just add a note to your order to remind me)! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)

To vent, talk it out, ask for help or just have someone to listen to the good bad and ugly, hit the inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com or join the Discord and send me a chat. I’m ALWAYS here for you friend.


5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30

EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50

Catch ya next Wyco Wednesday for THIRD EYE CHAKRA week on February 5th at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!

Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3

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