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PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) Pre-Mix

PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) Pre-Mix
PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) Pre-Mix

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PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) Pre-Mix

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  • Description

Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) premix contains organic potato flakes, dextrose, agar, and the special ingredient: bacteriological peptones for a serious boost to your agar plates!

The 600mL pack includes the proper ratio of ingredients to be mixed with 600mL H20 and will make approximately 25 standard agar plates (90mm x 15mm) as shown in THIS AMAZON LINK. Many more (50+) can be made if you're using portion cups like THESE

The 1000mL (1L) pack can make approximately 40 standard agar plates.

I use a Pyrex "easy pour" glass jar shown HERE

This^^ jar is a bit on the expensive side, but in my experience is totally worth it. It has a nifty plastic ring attached to the mouth of the jar that keeps your agar from spilling or dribbling out, and the jar can be used thousands of times without cracking or breaking.

Another pro tip: if you don't already have one, a STIR PLATE is hella helpful for making sure your agar doesn't solidify while cooling in the jar before pouring. You can set it on the plate and have a constant stir so every plate you pour is homogenous.

THIS is the infared laser temp gun I use to check the temps for ideal pour conditions. I like to wait until it cools down to 110-120 degrees to start my project. If you pour too hot, you'll end up with condensation on your lids from steam, and around 90-100 degrees, the mixture really starts to thicken up and could get clumpy. Nobody likes a clumpy gills.

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