Wyco Wednesday November 27
Merry Thankswednesday ya Turkey Tails!
I know you’ve just been dying to hear my old man weather updates, so we’ll start off with the ol tried and true…it’s still 82 degrees in the final week of November. I know Austin usually has pretty warm weather, but I do not remember it being THIS warm this late into the year. These leaves are going to go from green to “poof” in no time. Probably not a great thing, but alas, I am thankful for this beautiful weather as unnatural as it may be.
Our good friend and stellar Discord contributor, @LeviathansKeeper sent me a monologue he found in another spiritual based Discord server the other day, and it really got my gears going up in the ol noggin. It’s a little long and there were many parts that got me thinking, but I focused on one in particular that I’d like to share on ye olde soap box this fine day.
“As an intelligent biological being, you absorb every single thing in your environment. There is no file in you that can be permanently deleted as it can be with a machine, despite every futile attempt to dismiss remove or ignore it”
I’ve thought about this passage on multiple occasions each day since he sent it to me, each time reflecting on something different and getting something else out of the quote.
At first glance, I’m relating this to myself, as I’m sure you can too (whoever you are). More specifically, the “there is no file that can be permanently deleted” part. Everyone has a past, and everyone changes. Hopefully for the better! But we all have those thoughts, actions or situations where we really feel ashamed or riddled with guilt about a way we behaved in the past. Often times we repress those memories, sometimes as a defense to our own psyche, sometimes we feel it’s just too heavy to bear, or we intentionally push it away and try to forget it ever happened. I think this is a natural inclination to a trauma response and if we feel it’s too much to endure, it might even happen unconsciously. Though we can try to suppress these memories, deep down inside, this doesn’t change the fact that it happened. We can learn from it, move forward, and (say…with the help of mushrooms) unpack it and heal from it. But it’s always there. It will always be a part of you, and makes YOU who YOU are today, which is a truly beautiful person. Your collective journey, through all the twists and turns, “rights” and “wrongs” that you judged for yourself and bumps along the way, combine to have a profound influence on who you are in this moment. It cannot be deleted, and should not be deleted. What we CAN do, is live every moment of our lives going forward with love and kindness to the best of our ability, and create the change we want in our own lives.
Mushrooms (of all kinds) can help us have that compassion and empathy for ourselves. They can be fun. They should be fun! They can take you on some wild adventures, and you should enjoy the heck out of those journeys! But at least in my case, I know I was a different person before I was introduced to mushrooms. Not in an incredibly drastic way. I wasn’t evil to the core or anything. But a little less mindful, a little less caring and maybe less tolerant toward people who were not like me. But after some insightful journeys, I made it my mission to make the world a better place (or at least try) and have a positive impact on anyone that crossed my path. While those rude or insensitive moments cannot be deleted, I feel that by recognizing that they exist and are of my past, I can move forward with more intention on “making up for it” in a way. Not that that’s my motivation, but it’s nice to be able to reflect on the contrast of my being because of something I originally got into for the colors. The colors are nice too 🙂
Lastly, focusing on the first part of the passage, “As an intelligent biological being” seems like it may not apply only to us humans. I don’t think anyone in this space can deny that mushrooms are intelligent biological beings! And just like if I were to have a conversation with a close friend, or stranger on the street, who is carrying some bottled up aggression or deep rooted depression, or trying to hide some negative emotions….or not trying to hide negative emotions. That energy flows seamlessly into my vibrational field and I react accordingly. If anything, I certainly notice when something is “off”. In the same way, if someone is on top of the world for whatever reason, just all smiles and giving thanks to the universe for the life force within them, blessed to be part of this magnificent creation and in pure bliss…they’re like a magnet! Get over here! I don’t know why sometimes, but I just want to be around you! Talk to you about anything or nothing at all. Just be in your presence. A lot of people describe Ram Dass with this type of magnetic energy, and he certainly did about his guru, Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaji). Sometimes indescribable, but you just feel drawn to someone like that. In the same way, I truly believe mushrooms, as intelligent biological beings, absorb every single thing in their environment. All the love, all the fear, ALL of it. And by being the best that we can be for ourselves and others, the mushrooms pick up on that, bring that into their being, and carry that on to the experience of the person who partakes in them. If we care for them with love and respect, this has a domino effect into an experience of someone who may have only set out to see some cool colors. Which they will! But it could be so mush more. It could truly be life changing. That’s why I’m in this and that’s what keeps me going. Thank you for supporting me through the years and allowing me to do something that I know generates some big positive change out there. Thanks for being you <3 Embrace every single thing about your badass self, past, present and future and love yourself every moment you’re alive. You’re worth it, you are appreciated and you are worthy. Mush Love <3
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk! Errr…Milly talk? *steps down from ye olde box of soap* In the newest round of spectacular releases, thanks to the great @CoyoteMyco, what has been teased for months now has finally come to fruition and we have FIVE different Pan Cyan varieties in stock in the EXOTICS SHOP!!! Shout out this beautiful blessed soul who has supplied most of the Pan Cyans in the past with ultimate love and care. They never last too long, so get em while you can! We have 3 Panaeolus Cyanescens hailing from Florida: Citrus Ridge (f1), Florida King (f2), and Martin, one from this great large yeehaw state of Texas (Panaeolus Cyanescens Texas, an absolute favorite), and one very special one that originated from the MagicMyco fam, Pan Cyan MIB: a unique cross of 3 Pan Cyan varieties- PHV, BVI and Nec’D! These have been planned to release (or should I say PANNED to release) several times over the past few months with various delays, because this guy loves what he does and ALWAYS kicks out superb genetics. Click on the variety names above to go to the product page or check out the 5-PACK PANtastic SPECIAL! And as a BONUS, since Matapanas is one of my all time favorite cubensis varieties, I find it fitting to include it with this pack as well. The original (and accidental)Â creator was working with a few different cubensis varieties at the same time as he was cultivating Pan Cyans. Some of the cubensis spores went rogue and attached to the cake of Pan Cyans he was working on and completely took it over, becoming one of the most aggressive and strongest cubes he was working with at the time. He narrowed it down to PF Redspore and two other varieties from Mexico, but since it didn’t produce rusty spores, he also ruled out the PF Redspore variety. Unknown to him, he ended up naming it “Matapanas” which loosely translates to “Pan Killer”. So cool!
Keeping as a reminder: Thanks to the great Tarkiln Art Studios for the back spore print design and @UnderdogArtisan for the lovely front “Mush Love” design and fantastic screen printing at SuziArt, we have some AWESOME short sleeve and long sleeve T’s in all sizes from Small to 2XL! These shirts are super comfy, and have totally held up in the washer and dryer many many times so far, as I’ve been wearing mine nonstop and they still look brand new! Just $20 will make you look like the king or queen you are, draped in the finest MillyWyco apparel. Check out the shirts and other trinkets in the MERCH SHOP!
Also as a reminder from last week, the mycosino is open and thriving! 3 tiers are setup at a $10, $20 and $35 price point, each with 6 different winnable prizes. Each tier has 6 prizes (one for each side of the die) that range from slightly over the tier’s value to well over the tier’s value…no matter what you get, you’re a winner 🙂 Plus, since last week there has been an upgrade to the casino! With every roll of the die, you’ll get a spin on the Jackpot Slot Machine! If the bell rings with 3 bars (or bells I believe), you’ll win literally ANY item in either shop. Grab an AIO bag, a bag of subsgtrate, some grains or an unlisted syringe…whatever your heart desires. I was saying hitting the bell is super rare, but on the very first pull, @UnderdogArtisan won! We haven’t had a winner on the slots since then, so you might be due!
Keep in mind, once the die hath spoken, that is what you shall receive! There are no special requests or substitutions here. ALSO- shipping is included with all of these items, so instead of having to pay $10+ shipping on a couple substrate bags, you can grab them with free shipping if the dice roll your way 🙂 Click on the die to skirt over to that item in the shop!

(2) 5lb CVG Substrate
(3) Agar Pre-mix Sampler
(4) “Unlisted” syringe
(5) Spore Print
(6) 3 Random Cubensis Syringes
Speaking of Pans and dice and sleeves….I may have a couple Pans…and dice upgrades…and even a sleeve or two…up my sleeve for Black Friday right around the corner 🙂 What all does this entail? Well we just don’t know! Because I don’t know yet. One thing at a time! But there will likely be a sale of some sort along with a couple extra goodies this Friday the 29th and it shall be marvelous. Marvelous indeed! You think I’m just gonna stop, drop and roll out everything on WW and save nothing for the capitalist holiday? Blasphemy! Mans got sleeves up his sleeve, he’s gone mad!
Speaking of, Black Friday is when all orders today will ship cuuuus tomorrow is Thanksgiving. And I am thankful for all of you beautiful creatures that allow me to live my dream and true calling! From the bottom of my caps and stems, I truly appreciate every one of yas. THANK YOU!!
Thanks to @Smushem, there are TWO giveaways for a $20 roll of the dice and slots spin happening RIGHT NOW in the Discord! Ol Smush generously donated two rolls to spice up this Wyco Wednesday, and when this post comes out (5pm CST on 11/27) you still have a couple hours left to enter for free! Get in here! All rolls and spins are shown live on Discord for authenticity and FUN 🙂
**All promos listed below apply to orders on this genetics site only on orders placed after 5pm CST on 11/27. For fairness, if multiple orders are placed, only the first order number is eligible for the gives listed below**
The first 20 orders will receive a free “unlisted” spore syringe not available in the shop! I usually leave it up to mystery until you receive your order, but I just can’t contain it with this one. The special syringe of the week this week is one called Albedo, which is a magnificent variety- a cross of Tidalwave and Jedi Mind Fuck! Amazing on many levels.
All order numbers ending in “0” will get a $50 credit good for grains, substrate, agar and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! (separate site) Coupon code sent with order.
All order numbers ending in a 1, 2 or 7 on 11/27 will receive a surprise from my goodie bag with their order! This could be a spore print, pack of swabs, special “non-overlay” Natalensis syringe, lucky roll of the dice…you don’t know it yet but it’ll be good!
To vent, talk it out, ask for help or just have someone to listen to the good bad and ugly, hit the inbox at millywycomushlove@gmail.com or join the Discord and send me a chat. I’m ALWAYS here for you friend.
The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways every weekend!
Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one (just add a note to your order to remind me)! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)
5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30
EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50
EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com
3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com
Come back in just 2 days for a special BLACK FRIDAY shindig on November 29th at NOON CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!
Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3