Wyco Wednesday October 9


Welcome back, schpleematoads!

schplee-ma-toad (noun)- A goofy goober, passionate and creative member of the mycoverse. Spreader of kindness, wisdom and spores. Current or near future member of Discord. A perfect being. You.

Pro tip: If you’re ever in a funk, just try making up words and creating a definition to fit (wearing a robe or joker costume to the grocery store can also help). I’ve been in a bit of a funk this week getting over a slight case of the sickness. Thankfully my mental has been on the up and up but you could say my physical was…Down with the Sickness. It may just be my gentle transition into becoming a mushroom, which honestly I’m fine with. I think I’d look handsome with gills and a stipe!

On a real note, my heart goes out to all those affected in the Carolinas and our Floridian coast dwellers. I can’t imagine what y’all are going through right now, but know you are loved and this too shall pass. If anyone needs a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen or just a general friend to talk to, I’m here for ya. Message this dude on Discord or shoot an email to millywycomushlove@gmail.com and we’ll start our best friendship at once. Also, if you need help rebuilding a library that was lost, I gotchu.

These days there is a lot of destruction, division and devastation to focus on. Social media, news outlets, random conversations out in the wild…it’s everywhere. But one thing I know to be true is there is exponentially more good out there in this world. Unfortunately good news doesn’t travel near as quickly, nor does it generate the clicks to keep these outlets in business. Keeping a sound mind, a grateful attitude and positive outlook on life are some of the most powerful things we can do to illuminate the beauty of everyday life and spread little nuggets of goodness everywhere we go.

Most of us can think of someone in our lives who are the “doom and gloom” type (I know I’ve been guilty), and sometimes it’s easy to brush them off or even judge them for interjecting an unhealthy mindset. But if we take a human approach with compassion and empathy and start to see their individual situation, you’ll notice that’s really not how that person wants to be. If anything, judge the opinion, not the individual. Think of how to just be there for them. They have struggle and grief as we all do, and it’s manifesting in a way you don’t particularly enjoy. Don’t scorn that or push it away. Become one with that person, engulf their being and bring them into your space of love. Be IN love, with them. Help them see the beauty you see, just by being the being you are.

In case no one has told you recently…you are just right. You are enough. You are perfect in every way with all the “flaws” and “imperfections” that make you unique. There is no one like you and you should be proud to share your gifts. Don’t let anyone dull the light that comes from within and have mercy toward those who try. Be your most authentic self, always, and your soul will attract what you need naturally. And give mushrooms freely of course 🙂

Speaking of giving mushrooms freely, we’ll have some kind of shindig next Tuesday, October 15th for National Mushroom Day as we have the past couple few years. What all does this entail? I have no idea yet. But it will be fun and there will be approximately a shit ton of goodies to give away.

I teased something a couple few weeks ago inspired by my DEER friends eating my beloved mycelium and pooing all over the neighborhood. Well my friends, that has finally come to fruition! A collection of stories across over 300 Wyco Wednesdays, heartwarming notes from fellow myconauts, funny tales of my travels and happenings all detailed in my debut novel, “Wherever the Deer Defecates“. An excellent bathroom reader and something to read to your kids and grandma as they go to bed.

The first 20 people to use THIS PRESALE LINK will snag a copy for just $5!

Stay serious my friends.

While no brand new cubensis varieties are hitting the shop this week, a good number of swab packs and spore prints have been added to the lineup! I love seeing how many people are getting into agar work, so I wanted to focus more on that train this week. Agar can be quite intimidating if you haven’t experimented with it yet, but ask anyone who has, and they’ll tell you there’s nothing to worry about and it’s a TON of fun! It takes your myco game to the next level and expands so many other possibilities in this hobby.

New Swabs: Alacabenzi, Albino A+, B+, Blue Meanie, Lizard King, Matapanas, McKennaii, Penis Envy #6, Thai Pink Buffalo and Z-Strain

New Prints: Moby Dick, Subcubensis and Tidalwave

The Discord squad patiently awaits your arrival! It’s pretty much THE homie hangout at this point. All love, all beautiful beings vibin’ out, sharing success stories, learning from more experienced myconauts and always keeping it light and positive. Plus we have giveaways of all kinds pretty frequently! Genetics and supplies giveaways are every weekend and merch giveaways every Wednesday! Here’s what we’ll be giving out TODAY (10/9) to wrap up the warm weather swag so generously created and donated by @UnderdogArtisan (pronounced Aa-tuh-zan, “the UK way”)

Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten (until I stop listening to this man tap on his pan when I write these things, he’s staying)

This past week, I realized I haven’t been too clear on the weekly promos for Wednesday orders. It’s confusing enough that I have this site for genetics and a separate site for supplies, but the “first 20 orders” and “even/odd order numbers” and whatever other things that randomly come to mind are for orders placed on this site (millywyco.com) for genetics only unless specified otherwise. If anyone felt left out after receiving a supply order without a freebie you were expecting, just let me know and I’ll make it up to ya 🙂

That being said, all SUPPLY orders placed on millywycomycology.com will receive a free Wild Maine Oyster liquid culture with their order all week long! These guys typically grow that perfect medium size and are adorable in my opinion. They start out with some wavy caps that end up going flat along the way and might I say they are delicious! A bit of patience is needed during fruiting but no other special care (and they are worth the wait)

The first 20 orders after this post goes live (5pm CST 10/9) will receive a free UNLISTED variety with their order! This is ANOTHER brand new one, never before offered in the shop or given away! It will come labeled with the name and date just like all the others, but shall remain a mystery until you open your box of goodies. This is a 12mL cubensis spore syringe.

All order numbers that end in an EVEN number after 5pm CST on 10/9 will receive a free SWAB PACK with their order from the FUNKY DUCK collection! Super special!

All order numbers that end in an ODD number after 5pm CST on 10/9 will receive a free SPORE PRINT with their order! This special print is not available in ze shop 🙂

All order numbers ending in “0” after 5pm CST on 10/9 will get a $50 credit good for supplies and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! Coupon code sent with order.

****ALL 5lb HARDWOOD SAWDUST “MASTER’S MIX” SUBSTRATE BLOCKS ARE ONLY $10 EACH NOW THROUGH THIS WEEKEND (I’ve forgotten to end the special the last 2 weeks, so until I say so, this is just the price on these things) AT MILLYWYCOMYCOLOGY.COM!****


Sticking with the single answers! The answer is a coupon code that has 3 uses. Once 3 people use this sucker, it pretends it never even existed. It’s for $20 off your cart if you’re one of the first 3 to use it. At checkout. Use this code at checkout. In the “coupon code” box.

Who is the publisher of the newest New York Times best seller “Wherever the Deer Defecates”? ********** Publishing

A fellow diabetic myco friend just sent me a pic of a daddy long leg on an absolutely stunning purple plant he’s growing and I am mesmerized. Wasn’t sure where to put it, so it lands here. If anyone can identify this plant, send me your guess for somethin’ special on your next order 🙂


5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30

EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50

EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com

3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com

See you Wednesday October 16nd at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends! I love you all so mush!!

Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3

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