Wyco Wednesday September 25


Hello again spore lovers!

I mentioned a story a couple weeks ago where I ran into someone who was wearing a mushroom patch on his hat. Come to find out he got that patch from me 4 or 5 years prior. That was such a cool interaction, especially since I only had a handful of those at the time and gave them out on the random to 10 or so people. Besides stickers, that patch was really the only way I could think of to identify someone I had indirectly crossed paths with. I remember that exchange happening soon after a magical experience and thinking mushrooms really have a way of bringing people together and realizing we are all connected.

Fast forward to last week, focusing on integration after “the experience”. One of the questions I used as an example was “when did you stop doing xyz” or “how did you lose that part of yourself?” while reflecting on what was once aligned in your life but may be dull today.

So I’m reflecting on these questions, among others, and also reflecting on how nice it was to “randomly” link up with a dude I’d had an interaction with before. “When did you lose that part of yourself?” was pretty loud on that one. I remember stuff like that happening nonstop at certain points of my life, while other periods felt pretty lonely. In this reflection, I didn’t really feel lonely, but I was trying to compare what was different during those times, because it hadn’t happened in a while. Was I not putting myself in the situations to have these opportunities? Was my energy different? Is the area I’m in different or some other outside influence perhaps? Was I not so balanced/grounded/receiving of these situations? As I said, some of these are questions for yourself that you can ask through the mushroom, and so I did.

The following day, a great day of reflection, integration and new beginnings, I found myself running errands out and about and stopped at a place called Biscuits and GROOVY, a most delicious breakfast food truck. I was waiting on my food, thinking about how just a seemingly insignificant decision like stopping to get food here or there or at home could alter your entire path. I look up and see a sign (a literal sign) saying for drinks, head over to Flightpath next door. Aaaand so I did. I mean it has “path” in the name and I haven’t had coffee for like 2 days.

I walk in an instantly realize I have indeed been here before, and for about a year had been searching the backlogs of my brain to figure out where this awesome place was and what it was called. So hell yeah. I order and hand over my Cash App card to pay (judge away, I have my reasons and it’s important to the story). El duderino behind the register grabs it, points at it and says something like “oh, cool!”. I think he’s talking about my card design (it is cool). “Aren’t you on YouTube or something?” he said. At this point I’m thinking maybe he’s thinking of WILLY, but MillyWyco isn’t even on the card, so my head is spinning confused. “uhh nooo, I don’t think..” “Or Reddit maybe?” he says. “Yeah, I think I know you from Reddit a while back, right?!” To which my brain just about exploded. This guy looked at my Cash App tag, remembered the link to when he saw my Reddit posts back in the day and called it out. That sent me into a nice little tizzy and unfortunately I made a very awkward exit from there. Can’t win em all.

So now I’m on a mission to redeem myself. I must go back and properly say hello. And at some point properly say goodbye. I’m headed back a week later, same time, same day to have a decent chance of finding this barista lad. I’m talking with my buddy Tom, and pass a billboard on my way to Flightpath that just has in big bold letters “TOMSBREAKFAST.COM”. Speak of the devil! I land at my destination, find my long lost buddy, and the first thing he does is introduce me to his friend…Tom. Within 5 minutes, they invite me to a shindig at a place called “Monkey’s Nest” (The monkey syncs live on!) Obviously I must attend! I arrive at the event the next day to find none other than JARED LETO in the front row! Ok, that part was made up. Still looking for another Mr. Leto appearance in my life, but everything else was factual.

In reflection of alllll of this, I’m finding quite the similarities in the stories years apart. Both soon following an experience, trying to regain connection to people, “randomly” running into them, sending me on a treasure hunt of sorts. On paper, it’s surprising, but when you look at the mycelial network and overall vibe of mushrooms bringing people together, it’s almost expected. And so the syncs and missions continue! Will report back on any other connected craziness.

On an unrelated note, I adopted two new (actually formetr, I believe) mantras this week. Both are from Ram Dass, but I think he was quoting someone in both of them. “Ah, so” is one of my favorites and I think he was quoting his guru Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaji). For me, it’s a way of thinking about any situation you find yourself in, removing yourself and seeing it as something just happening. Not judging. Not good or bad. Just aaahhhh, so. So it is. And here we are. In the moment.

The other, “It’s all perfect”, is another nice mantra to bring you to center and be in the present moment among all the craziness that life has to offer these days. I’ve had a few personal conversations about this phrase and this graphic, and I think it’s best to leave this up to interpretation. You can check out the talk that this came from and see it’s original context HERE

Discord is poppin! If you like helping and getting help…if you like crazy giveaways…if you like freedom of speech in a safe space with your best friends….get in here! Giveaways every weekend and merch giveaways starting tonight!

Mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot (email or Discord) of a shout out elsewhere and I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social life media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You guys go harder than Malte Marten


New(ish) to the shop this week, a very very special one rejoins the library after selling out rather quickly last time! STARRY NIGHT APE is back and we should have enough to go around this time! Like all true albino varieties, these are only available in swab packs.

Thanks to the Tarkiln Art Department (TAD) from Discord, @underdogartisan, absolute stellar member on Discord, master creator/ultimate screen printer along side @therealsusiart, we have some cool merch type stuff to give away this week! All of the following wearable merch gives this week were so generously donated by them! Thank you so freakin much!! Giveaways will be hosted on Discord so we can specify certain sizes and you can enter the ones that would fit you. The purple lettering in the design here is said to be “GROOVY” purple. Love it.

We’ll have some other merch coming up here soon from some other creators and I can’t wait to share them with you all!

The first 20 orders after this post goes live (5pm CST 9/25) will receive a free FUNKY DUCK variety with their order! Some are syringes, some are swabs. If you must request syringe only, please add a note at checkout to remind me! A “Funky Duck” is a (self-coined) category of cubensis that produces some really wild, beautiful wackiness!

Continuing the even/odd from last week for the Jedi Mind Fuck/Rusty Whyte hybrid! If you received one last week, let me know so I get you the other variant.

All order numbers that end in an EVEN number on 9/25 will receive a free JMF x Rusty Whyte hybrid syringe with the classic dark/black spore variant!

All order numbers that end in an ODD number on 9/25 will receive a free JMF x Rusty Whyte hybrid syringe with the rare REDSPORE variant! **I say rare not to make this any more desirable or anything, but this hybrid variety usually kicks out around 90% dark spore throwers and 10% throw red spores. Everything else is the same and is absolutely gorgeous.**

All order numbers ending in “0” after 5pm CST on 9/25 will get a $50 credit good for supplies and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! Coupon code sent with order.



Only one question this week! The answer is a coupon code that has 3 uses. Once 3 people use this sucker, it pretends it never even existed. It’s for $20 off your cart if you’re one of the first 3 to use it. At checkout. Use this code at checkout. In the “coupon code” box.

What specific name of purple is the font on the new merch stuffs? ******



5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30

EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50

EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com

3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com

See you Wednesday October 2nd at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends!

Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this new site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3

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