Wyco Wednesday September 4


Welcome to Mushtopia, Mushtopians!

Heyyyy what do you know, still no theme! Just random buffoon babbling. I got one suggestion within the last day or so to make a short series on gods/deities which I’ve been thinking on, but that’s it! Have you an idea or three, please give me something to think about.

Back in the lab, I’ve been working on a number of exciting projects lately that I’m really looking forward to sharing with you guys and dolls here soon! A few new gourmet additions and special things right around the corner 🙂 And for whatever reason, I’m feeling super optimistic about the near future of laws surrounding this stuff. Just a big blast of “Hell yeah, brotherrrr” in my soul about where all this is going. Anyone else? Can we all just get really optimistic about things and manifest some sense into these people? 3…2…1…GO.

I’ve had the pleasure of reconnecting with a few old friends recently which was really nice! I mean these people are OOLLLLDDD!! Hah, just kidding Ethan. I mean people from my distant past that I love dearly but haven’t seen in a while. And every link up was as if we had just seen each other the day before. I think we were all able to take something from our interactions that made us think, gave us a different perspective on something, or jump started a new thought process. At least I did. Those casual hangs of just catching up or trying to solve the worlds problems require dedicated time and attention, and sometimes I get caught up in being “too busy” with this or that. I’m not actually saying “no”, but I’m not putting forth the effort to nurture those close relationships. Some conversations with these kind folk helped me realize that a lot of times, when we say we’re “too busy” for this or that, THIS or THAT is exactly what we need. And if we take the time to do what our heart is saying we need, we can come back to life…a busy schedule, noise everywhere or whatever. But everything’s ok. Nothing is crashing down (or at least not more than it was), but you feel more connected and fulfilled since you had a genuine connection with a friend or were able to quiet the arena of voices in your head through meditation. Whatever it is for you that makes you feel like you took time for yourself…make sure you take the time. You’re worth it, you deserve it and you are loved. You’ll thank yourself for it later 😉

I know I sound like a broken record when I talk about how awesome the Discord squad is, but holy mushroomoli these are some good vibin’ people. I see a lot of people who JUST got a Discord and really don’t know what all is going on, and honestly I’m right there with ya. I’m new to all this, but we have an awesome, super supportive group of people who are so kind and helpful and all just figuring out life together! Oh, and I am still in the process of giving away the entire farm so if you don’t like free stuff, stay the heck away.

Here’s the latest example, an excerpt from my own mother trying to do my chores for me: “For those of you that have managed to keep up with the Discord, you know I am the newly adopted parent of Milly.  He asked if I would write this week’s ramblings so he could hang out on Discord with his friends.  How could I refuse?  I don’t think I could be as humorous and entertaining, but I will try.

As Milly has shared his story of the ducks, I too have some wildlife buddies.  I spend a good amount of time outside.  My flock of chickens love to free range, and I keep an eye on them.  Hawks are often overhead, or they wander onto the neighbors’ property.  This time of year the squirrels are so busy preparing for winter.  Unbeknownst to me, one of the things they do is move their babies.  I have watched a momma come down a tree with a baby in her mouth, run across the yard, up another tree, deposit the baby and repeat until everyone is in their new home.  My daughter, with her David Attenborough level of nature facts, said moms move the babies as they start to outgrow the first nest, or if predators or parasites make the nest inhabitable. Whatever the reason, it is highly entertaining.  Mom runs with such intent, I watched her go through the flock of chickens…between the birds, even slaloming between their feet.  I was shocked to see the chickens didn’t even care.  

So maybe I’m a bit like this momma squirrel, doing whatever needs to be done so the kids are cared for, including their Wyco Wednesday post.

Welcome to the family Milly!

Now tell this great community of people what fabulous goodies are in the shop this week.

Last week, we gave away 2 Pearl Oyster grow kits, a “Level Up” pack, a “Funky Ducks” pack, a “Big Boy” pack, framed SPOOBS, a 3/3/3 syringe/swab/print pack, TWO 5lb CVG substrate bags, 40 Agar Plates, THREE 3lb grain bags, FOUR 2lb grain bags and a “Rainbow Road” pack on the Discord! Say that 5 times fast! Hell, say that 1 time fast! Just say it!! Should I be concerned? Should I slow down? Pssh…over my cold dead substrate.

Also, mention your order number if you leave a review on the subreddit or send a screenshot of a shout out elsewhere, I’ll hook you up in the most exquisite way on the next one! Any shout outs are appreciated, and mentions on other forums and things like that really help out more than you know <3 This dude is old school, does no marketing and has no social media. Your word of mouth is why I am still around. Don’t make me sell my soul to tiktok. Keep plugging=keeping me off socials=keeping me sane. You rock harder than Jimi Hendrix and Randy Rhoads combined.

In the world of NEWs, another “Funky Duck” joins the squad available only in swab packs, welcome BS-60 to the library! This one is pretty cool and unique, though I really can’t find much into on it. Came from my uncle’s best friend’s sloth badger type of story. Love how beautiful and unique these spores are though! Very peculiar.

Also this week, I’m bringing back something I rolled out just before the old site was savaged by harpoons and machetes…SUBSCRIPTION PLANS hath returned! I currently have it setup for 3-month and 6-month options, but if any of you know that you’re in it for life, I can whip up a nice long duration of your choosing. I’ll get with my actuaries to come up with a fair price on an “as long as you live” plan. You’ll get 5 cubensis syringes each month, perfectly tailored to your level of mastery in the hobby. Each month will be different, and include an “unlisted” variety that’s not available in the shop. I’ll choose the “best” one, or at least the favorite in my opinion to include with your subscription that month. Another special unnamed surprise will be included as well 🙂

Next on the list of new adds, over at the supply site at millywycomycology.com, I’ve added a DIY GRAINS KIT to the shop, per request of a few of yas! You can choose from my current 2 favorite grain types, Milo and Millet, in 5lb or 10lb quantities of DRY grains. Unicorn bags are in the shop for $1 a pop, and the only other thing you need is water and something to sterilize the goods! A pressure cooker or autoclave is best, but you can get by with an Instapot. I’ll send instructions for how I do things 🙂 Keep in mind, this is really just so you can get a feel for making your own grain bags without having to commit to buying a 50lb bag. This is meant for your first time or two, not to be your permanent grain supplier. I’d love to help you find one though if you already know what you’re doing! AND USE COUPON CODE TAKE30OFF FOR 30% OFF YOUR SUPPLY SHOP ORDER TODAY AND TOMORROW AT millywycomycology.com!

The first 20 orders after this post goes live (5pm CST 9/4) will receive a special “unlisted” spore syringe FREE with their order! I have a handful of this…a handful of that, all absent from the shop. All pretty special 🙂 As always, if you’ve received an “unlisted” variety in the past and would prefer to avoid getting a duplicate, let me know what you have and I’ll find something you don’t 🙂

All EVEN numbered orders on 9/4 will receive a free spore print with their order! Le print shall be one of ze finest, chosen by yours truly 🙂

All ODD numbered orders on 9/4 will receive a Swiss army pin/magnet/bottle opener thingamabob and a small pack of mushroom stickers with their order!

All order numbers ending in “0” on 9/4 will get a $50 credit good for supplies and gourmet cultures at millywycomycology.com! Coupon code sent with order.

**TODAY AND TOMORROW 9/4-9/5** 30% off ALL orders at millywycomycology.com with coupon code TAKE30OFF


Only one question this week! The answer is a coupon code that has 3 uses. Once 3 people use this sucker, it pretends it never even existed. It’s for $20 off your cart if you’re one of the first 3 to use it. At checkout. Use this code at checkout.

What is the name of Duncan Trussell’s character (the main pink fella) in Midnight Gospel? ******


5PACK – 5 Cubensis Syringes for $30

EXOTICA – 5 Exotic Syringes for $50

EATMYPLASTIC – Free Plastic Eating fungi culture at millywycomycology.com

3FOR30 – 3 Gourmet Liquid Cultures for $30 at millywycomycology.com

TAKE30OFF – 30% off Entire Site at millywycomycology.com (9/4-9/5 Only)

See you Wednesday the 11th at 5pm CST! Spore on my friends!

Check the Archives! WW has been a thing for over 300 Wednesdays now (and a Thursday here and there) but this site has only been up since July. If you’re new here, WELCOME! And if you’re a dear elder spore wizard, I do appreciate the support all along this journey! Mush Love <3

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