Heyyy youuuu guyyyyys! Welcome back scallywags and flabergasters, myconauts and beings of love and light and everything in between!

Thank you all for the love and support during a few weeks of rebuilding! I know I sound like a broken record here, but for the new guys or those who didn’t get all the memos…some companies aren’t as excited about mygo genetics stuffs as we are. In the same boat as CBD and other legal hemp derived products, adult entertainment, and a list of other legal industries, we are considered “high risk” and always have a tough time with payment processors and web hosting.

Because of these challenges, I’m not able to offer traditional checkout systems that vibe well with most website themes and plugins, so the site is pretty bare bones…plus, I’m a mushroom guy. A fun gi, if you must. Not a web duder. But hey, it’s functional, it’s a work in progress, and seemed to work fine during the soft open. So here we are! New site, simple, not many options I can mess up, and I can get back in the lab where I belong. Good lab man. If you see anything broken, missing, misspelled or just downright offensive on the site, help a fella out and let me know so I can unembarrass myself. And if you have any old coupon codes awarded from previous Wyco Wednesdays, let me know and they will be honored!

We have a HUMONGOUS GIGANTILICIOUS SUPERCALIFRAGIHOLYDAMN BIG ASS store update today with all kinds of giveaways, new items never before offered in the shop, and some exciting new goodies that will be dropping within the month! But first, a word from our sponsors. And since we have no sponsors, I’ll resume my seat on the soap box throne and share some personal thoughts and happenings that no one asked for. Now where is my scepter?


Oh how I have missed these days! I’ve received a lot of emails and chats about missing the Wyco Wednesday shenanigans and the love and encouragement really meant a lot. Sharing a story here and there is therapeutic to me, and I appreciate your engagement and patience during the transition.

I was talking to a friend literally the day before the old site got canned, saying how I could probably use a week or two to finish up some old projects and experiments, get my inventory situated better and just get caught up in general. I mentioned that I do have the freedom to take that time whenever I want and that I have a very loving and supportive community that would not be put off if I took some time to regroup. But I’m all gas no brakes babyyyy! I’m not sure I would take the initiative to make that decision. Queue the magnificent universe making that decision for me. I just laughed. A genuine laugh. Surprisingly, I wasn’t even upset about it, knowing I pretty much asked for this and accidentally manifested it. Was it frustrating? Yes. Do I love sitting at a computer for hours days and weeks and what seems like FOREVER just trying to make a functional site that I’ve already done twice before? You bet your sweet caps and stems I absolutely do NOT love that process. But I knew that’s what I needed to have the opportunity to get back on track and feel amazing about my setup and processes. Looking back on these past few weeks, I clearly see that is absolutely what I needed. Do I wish that dramatic shift on anyone? Well, no. But in the grand scheme of things, thank you, universe! You always have my back <3

This time away also allowed me to reconnect with family and friends. I went back to the homeland for a weekend and was able to spend a day with my parents and grandparents which was fantastic. My favorite quote of the day was my grandma saying “Do you have all the mushrooms memorized?”, which almost made me pass away from internal laughter, and also hurt my brain trying to start a response. God bless her. Another day I celebrated the birthday of one of my closest friends kayaking all day! That man loves the water. We’ll call him Lake. He’s one of the duders I’ve mentioned before who is getting a legitimate mycology setup going and is super passionate about helping others and spreading love. I’m honored to be helping out as much as I can from a distance, and every time I see him, his passion and curiosity grows exponentially. We had the most incredible day out on the river with a small squad of maybe 10 people. Dayton has mucho ties to aviation innovation, Wright Patt Air Force base is there, and the finest sky acrobats put on a hell of an air show every year. This year, Mr. Lake happened to have a birthday on the day of the air show. They melted our minds soaring over the tree line directly above us about mid day, breaking the sound barrier, and for some of us, planting a tiny seed that this may be the end and we were just content with that. The Blue Angels are frickin intimidating to say the least, and one of the most insane experiences of my life- a true VIP viewing area we happened upon by accident. Life is gooood.

Back here in Austin just a few days ago, I was driving to a get together with some friends to wish a couple friends off to Utah. Gah. Another one bites the dust. You will be missed around these parts you beautiful humans! Alone in my car, I recalled one of the last conversations I had with my friend. It must have been during the “chakra series” I focused on here a few months ago, because I was telling him a story of incredible synchronicities that kept happening one after another, that stemmed from a book he gave me at our previous visit. He and his lovely lady were sharing in my excitement, and I remember him saying he hadn’t experienced any synchronicities in a while. Back to my car thoughts, I pick up an imaginary conversation with him where I reference this exchange. Through an untraceable string of thoughts, I found myself, in this imaginary conversation, telling him that synchs happen all the time, we just aren’t aware, yadda yadda, and that sometimes things happen that I feel like I knew would happen (like in a dream). But how many situations do I think of that don’t happen? If 400,000 imaginary situations, just like this conversation, flow through my brain each day, I’m sure a few will land. I’m pretty much discrediting a lot of magic I’ve felt in the past, to myself, because I’m realizing it has also been some time since I have seen a synchronicity in my own life. Up to now, this is all in my head, but I verbally continue this conversation with the first spoken line to him, “In a parallel reality…” only to be interrupted by a voice coming on the radio, literally saying “In a parallel reality…” less than a second later. The complete phrase was something along the lines of “In a parallel reality, JackFM would be better” or something like that. They’re a very self deprecating radio station. But just as soon as I’m trying to oddly convince myself there’s nothing to the magic, the magic happens. Several other peculiar timing instances have appeared since then on a fairly regular basis where I’ve been just a half second ahead on a weird word or phrase and say or type it just before it was spoken by someone else. Magic sparkly days are BACK! Or I’m back to noticing them anyways. Either way, feels amazing 🙂
Somewhat related shower thought: we’ve been time traveling since we got here. Alll abooooaard the time machine that skips only slightly into the future…aaaand, we’re here. Prove it didn’t work.


and onto the goooods 🙂

This fine lovely beautifully pristine and delicious day, we have quite a haul to add to the shop! Having a limited supply in the shop the past few weeks allowed me to completely refresh my entire library, so everything available in the shop is super hella fresh! Here’s the Cliffs Notes (err..Millys Notes):

Cubensis 12mL varieties available in the shop increase by over 2X for a grand total of over 60!

Added 13 EXOTIC varieties, including Panaeolus Cyanescence Jalisco (Mexico) and Peace River (Florida), Azurescens, Tampanensis, Liberty Caps and Subtropicalis!

Added 40 swab packs (CUBENSIS and EXOTIC)


Revamped SPECIALS & BUNDLES section updated weekly with limited stock

So lets talk about all this:

Most of the common and popular cubensis varieties that were in the old shop have returned with refreshed stock. Some new additions to the family, or at least ones we haven’t seen in a while:


Of the above mentioned varieties, approximately 100% of them are absolutely amazing in their own unique way. I’ve had a thing for McKennaii for a very long time, and have had it in stock several times before, but it’s been years. I gave out my master sample to someone who was equally thrilled with it, and it just recently found me again! Jack Frost is always an outstanding variety and a #1 favorite among many in my circles. Melmac, OG PE, Thrasher…those with excellent PE genetics that don’t need much explaining. But I do have a short tale to tell about this Matapanas I’m sure you’ve heard close to nothing about (unless you were 1 of the 20ish lucky ducks who got it as a freebie some years back):

This one right here? Thissss one right here…may just be at the top of my list of spores to study. The very tipitty tip top. The one above #2. The grail of cubensis in my book. This is all subjective, and you may very well not feel the same way. You feel things about things I may not be into. That’s people. That’s mushroom spores. But for me, this one is absolutely positively magnificently incredible.
It’s a variety from South America, and as it was told to me, a cross of “Mexican cubensis and Spanish gold cap”. That’s the description I was given by ol man Lou who gave me the genetics originally. I worked with it under the microscope for a while and was one of my favorite studies from the get. I shared it as much as I could giving it as a free drop on a Wyco Wednesday a couple years ago, and perhaps shared it a little too much, as I accidentally gave away my last swab pack and syringe. Like countless other super cool varieties, I lost it and didn’t really know anyone personally who I shared it with. I wasn’t going to hit up a random person who received it at one point and ask for spores back. But damn…I let it slip.
Fast forward to March of this year, and I’m listening to a myco podcast where I hear dudeman mention MATAPANAS! I had never heard that name before (other than my own sample), so I was incredibly excited. I hit dudeman up to confirm we were talking about the same variety, and he was kind enough to send me some spores to revive this awesome variety for the community. Spread it far and wide let’s gooo!! Shout out Alex at for the re-hook-up! A true homie <3

We’ve added a total of 13 exotic spores to the shop. Most have returned from the old store, but made within the past week and have been refrigerated, all ready to go. Some of the more exciting new ones dropping today include:


I’m told some new and exciting Pan Cyans with superb genetics are right around the corner, and as soon as possible, we’ll have a few other varieties hitting the shop! Oooh, and since I just refreshed my inventory, I have a handful of older exotics up for grabs. They’re only a couple/few months old and have been refrigerated so they should be just fine. EVERY ORDER CONTAINING AN EXOTIC WILL RECEIVE A DIFFERENT EXOTIC WITH THEIR ORDER FOR FREE until I run out!

Mexico is for Lovers (grab bag of Mexican cubensis)
Soon to be Lifer Pack (hand picked beginners pack)
Milly’s Favorite Cubes (3 of my favorites that week!)
10 Random Cubensis Varieties
4th OF JULY PACK (Red White and Blue Special!)
Black Box (hand picked surprise box, well worth)
Lifer Pack (all that you will ever need)
Pale Pack (My favorite leucistic & albino vars)

In non-genetic but just about as exciting news…the merch stuffs is really coming together! We have a few incredibly cool art ideas and “prints” that will make an appearance in the shop within the next few weeks. I can’t wait to show you!

How many gigawatts can this flux capacitor hold?!? We’ve gotta wrap this up. I leave you with the fun gives and shares for this week, especially amped up for the new shop grand opening!

1st 20 Orders after this post goes live (5pm CST) will snag a BRAND NEW, never before sold in the shop or given on a WW, super special variety of the penis type. This is not one of the previously given PE hybrids. Though they are also amazing, this one is…just WOW.

Orders numbers ending in “0” on Wednesday July 3rd, will receive a $50 off code good for supplies at!

Orders ending in “7” on 7/3 score one of those framed molecular spore prints shown at the bottom of the page!

Order numbers ending in “3” on 7/3 will grab a 3-pack of “unlisted” cubensis varieties not available in the shop! They’re labeled just like all the rest, and just as quality as anything purchased 🙂

Order numbers ending in “73” on 7/3 will be DOUBLED and FREE! If you hit the lucky number, DO NOT PAY! I will reach out to see which other items you would like to double your order (as in, your 5 syringe order just became 10)

What an odd day…odds can’t have all the fun.
ALL ORDER NUMBERS ENDING IN AN EVEN NUMBER on 7/3 will receive a free Penis Envy hybrid with their order!

Well now 1, 5 and 9 feel left out…lawd have mercy.
IF YOUR ORDER NUMBER ENDS IN A 1, 5 OR 9 on 7/3, you win a coupon code for a free syringe with your next order! (Code sent with order)

Until next week!

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